I work on a lot of things including non-equilibrium fluid dynamics, cosmology (large scale structure and scalar field dark matter), machine learning, distributed systems, smart contracts, (financial) derivatives.
A very fast in-place kD-tree library with no storage overhead. As it is intended for cosmology, it only works for 3D data as is but is easily generalized. https://github.com/cavemanloverboy/bosque
Inspect transactions and accounts (coming soon) directly from your terminal. https://github.com/cavemanloverboy/sol
Calculate sha2 hashes (sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512) at compile time using stable rust! https://github.com/cavemanloverboy/sha2-const-stable
Use the highly efficient zerocopy data structures of sokoban
in C, C++, or Zig!
A template repository that includes a smart contract, frontend, client and test suite all in Rust. https://github.com/cavemanloverboy/oxylana
A smart contract that zips transactions, preventing sandwiches and rugs. https://github.com/cavemanloverboy/zipper
An early-in-development crate intended to eventually include lots of utilities commonly used in cosmology https://crates.io/crates/cosmology
A color-coded visualization tool for the instructions of an anchor program.