Agola is a modern, distributed, cloud-native CI/CD software that relies on external services like key-value store (etcd) and git platforms (github, gitlab or gitea) to work.
There is already an official agolademo image and detailed instructions to try it but I needed a quick-to-deploy, ready-to-use, pre-configured Agola demo environment to show people how it works. That's why I created this project.
Current versions:
- Fedora 38
- Agola v0.8.0
- Gitea 1.19
What it does:
- spins-up a Linux Vagrant machine
- installs docker-ce and docker compose plugin
- starts agola and gitea services as containers
- creates user01 and agola-example-go repo on gitea
- configures gitea as an agola remote source
- creates local user01 and deploys public ssh key to gitea
- pushes local repo to remote to trigger the first agola run
- prepares a local environment for user01 to interact with agola and gitea from CLI
DECLAIMER: this project is intended only for demo purposes. Follow the official documentation to deploy agola in a real environment.
- vagrant
- a vagrant provider (tested with libvirt on Linux and virtualbox on Windows)
Clone or download the repository and start the Vagrant machine:
$ git clone && cd agola-demo
$ vagrant up
after a while you should see the final message with the URLs:
agola-demo: #################################################################################
agola-demo: #
agola-demo: # AGOLA DEMO
agola-demo: #
agola-demo: # WEB access:
agola-demo: #
agola-demo: # agola: http://<IP>:8000 (user01/password)
agola-demo: # gitea: http://<IP>:3000 (user01/password)
agola-demo: #
agola-demo: # SSH access with vagrant key:
agola-demo: #
agola-demo: # [me@host] $ vagrant ssh
agola-demo: # [vagrant@agola-demo] $ sudo su - user01
agola-demo: # [user01@agola-demo] $ agola ...
agola-demo: #
agola-demo: # SSH access with user01 password:
agola-demo: #
agola-demo: # [me@host] $ ssh user01@<IP> (password)
agola-demo: # [user01@agola-demo] $ agola ...
agola-demo: #
agola-demo: #################################################################################
Open the agola URL in a browser, click on the Sign-up button, select gitea and you'll be redirect enter the following credential:
Now you can Login in agola and create a new project from the UI or create a token and continue to use the CLI.
Generate a new agola token from UI (User Settings
-> User Tokens
) or from CLI (check Create a user api token section) for user01. Then set it to a variable and change your code example:
[me@host] $ vagrant ssh
[vagrant@agola-demo ~]$ sudo su - user01
[user01@agola-demo ~]$ TOKEN=$(agola --token admintoken user token create -n user01 -t default)
Create an agola project and push code to gitea repo:
[user01@agola-demo ~]$ cd agola-example-go
[user01@agola-demo agola-example-go]$ agola --token $TOKEN project create --parent "user/user01" --name agola-example-go --remote-source gitea --repo-path user01/agola-example-go
[user01@agola-demo agola-example-go]$ git push -u origin master
Click on the project "agola-example-go" and you'll see the result of the first run
Modify the source code, commit the change and push it to remote:
[user01@agola-demo ~]$ cd agola-example-go
[user01@agola-demo agola-example-go]$ sed -i -e 's/quote.Hello()/quote.Go()/' main.go
[user01@agola-demo agola-example-go]$ git add main.go
[user01@agola-demo agola-example-go]$ git commit -m "add Go quote"
[user01@agola-demo agola-example-go]$ git push
The push will trigger a new run
. Check it as you did before.
Now modify another time the code and execurte a direct run
[user01@agola-demo ~]$ cd agola-example-go
[user01@agola-demo agola-example-go]$ sed -i -e 's/quote.Go()/quote.Hello()/' main.go
[user01@agola-demo agola-example-go]$ agola directrun start --token $TOKEN
It will trigger a new direct run
with the content of your working directory even if nothing has been committed or pushed to the repo. Check it in agola UI (User / Direct Runs