Github style SVG identicons / user-avatars. Want to see a live example? See Giticon on
npm install giticon --save
const giticon = require('giticon');
const optionalOverrides = {
background: [240, 240, 240, 255],
margin: 0.2,
size: 40,
saturation: 0.7,
brightness: 0.5
const svgIdenticon = giticon('TwitchPoker', optionalOverrides);
// <svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" style="background-color: rgba(240,240,240,255);" viewBox="0 0 40 40">
// <path
// shape-rendering="crispEdges"
// style="fill: rgba(46, 217, 38, 1 ); stroke: rgba(46, 217, 38, 1 ); strokeWidth: 1; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%;"
// d="M18,10 h4 v4 h-4z M18,14 h4 v4 h-4z M18,26 h4 v4 h-4z M14,26 h4 v4 h-4z M22,26 h4 v4 h-4z M10,10 h4 v4 h-4z M26,10 h4 v4 h-4z M10,22 h4 v4 h-4z M26,22 h4 v4 h-4z"
// />
// </svg>
Giticon is a simplified loose fork of that only supports SVG.