A generic logic/rule testing engine written in Go.
IsIt is a library for contructing rules via JSON or programmatically and then testing those rules against a set of values. This code is in an alpha state right now. The API is still in flux.
go get github.com/braindev/isit
See: https://godoc.org/github.com/braindev/isit
rg := isit.RuleGroup{
Logic: "or",
Rules: []isit.Rule{
{ Property: "age", Operator: "gt_eq", Value: 18 },
{ Property: "parent_permission": Operator: "eq", Value: true },
result, _ := rg.Test(map[string]interface{}{"age": 17, "parent_permission": false})
// result == false
result, _ := rg.Test(map[string]interface{}{"age": 17, "parent_permission": true})
// result == true
result, _ := rg.Test(map[string]interface{}{"age": 18, "parent_permission": true})
// result == true
These are the types of values that should be used with together. The "Rule Value Type" is the type for the field Value
on the struct Rule
. The "Property Type" is the type of the value for the property. Using mismatched types will cause errors.
Rule Value Type | Operator | Property Type |
numeric | gt — greater than |
numeric |
numeric | gt_eq — greater than or equal to |
numeric |
numeric | lt — less than |
numeric |
numeric | lt_eq — less than or equal to |
numeric |
numeric | eq — equal to |
numeric |
numeric | not_eq — not equal to |
numeric |
string | eq — equal to |
string |
string | not_eq — not equal to |
string |
string | regex — matches regular expression |
string — the regular expression |
string | not_regex — doesn't match regular expression |
string — the regular expression |
string | in — one of a group |
[]string |
string | not_in — not one of a group |
[]string |
bool | eq — equal to |
bool |
bool | not_eq — not equal to |
bool |
[]string | has — includes item |
string |
[]string | does_not_have — doesn't include item |
string |
Rule logic can be as complex as needed. Suppose the following logic needed to be tested:
if activity == "rock climbing" and (height <= 5 or weight > 280)
It could be written as:
rg := isit.RuleGroup{
Logic: "and",
Rules: []isit.Rule{
{ Property: "activity", Operator: "eq", Value: "rock climbing" },
RuleGroup: &isit.RuleGroup{
Logic: "or",
Rules: []isit.Rule{
{ Property: "height", Operator: "lt_eq", Value: 5 },
{ Property: "weight": Operator: "gt", Value: 280 },
- More tests
for testing inclusion or exclusion of a string to a group of strings- Benchmarks