Libby Downloader is a Firefox extension that allows for download and transfer of audiobooks from the Libby website for transfer to devices that are now unsupported (e.g. the Sansa Clip).
Install Libby Downloader from the Firefox Extension Store.
Note: Minimum supported Firefox version is 102 ESR
Books downloaded by this tool are still due on their due date. This tool is not intended to help you "keep" your borrowed books. The due date can be found in the filename and MP3 tags.
Navigate to a borrowed audiobook on Libby and open the extension.
Click the download button to begin downloading your audiobook.
Once finished, there will be a zip file in your downloads folder containing the processed mp3.
Like Overdrive, Libby hosts Audiobooks in multiple part files, and chapters can span multiple parts. The output zip file contains a single mp3 created by merging all the parts and a cue file with the chapter boundaries in relation to this merged file (instead of their individual part file as Libby stores them).
The MP3 is created with the following ID3v2 tags
- title: Audiobook Title
<title>: <subtitle> (<series>)
- album: Audiobook Title
<title>: <subtitle> (<series>)
- artist: Comma separated list of authors
- composer: Comma separated list of narrators
- image: Cover from Libby
- validUntil: Due date
- chapters: Embedded chapter locations
If your device doesn't support embedded chapters via ID3v2 tags you can:
The mp3 can be split into a file per chapter by various tools which understand the accompanying cue file or
The mp3 can be converted into an m4b file by using a tool like ffmpeg or which do understand embedded chapter information.