You are a young magician entering the dream world to test your summoning limits. Collect white mana orbs to summon Fire Demons, which contributes to the grand ritual of summoning a Fire Lord. Then, collect red possession orbs to gain the ability to steal the demons’ powers for yourself. Collect as much as you can before the fiery enemies overwhelm you!
- Clone this repository into your designated system.
git clone https://github.com/bombguy/globalgamejam2016
- cd to the directory and run:
sudo chmod +x
- Copy LOAP.app to your Applications folder and launch from icon.
- cd to th directory and run:
sudo chmod +x
- cd to the directory and run:
- Install Unity 5 with corresponding build module(s) to your system.
- Open the project in Unity.
- Build and run by pressing: CTRL+B
Q or E for power? W, A, S, D to move Any Pause game buttons?
Press space to enter the Netherworld
###Characters and Spawned Objects
Cloaked magician (1*1unit)
- Normal (black hair, tan skin, white eyes, white cloak with black insignia mark)
- Angel Possession (golden hair, tan skin, blue eyes, blue cloak with gold insignia mark) o Movement speed boost o Long range straight attack o No hp bonus o **fly over obstacles? (if too hard to program, can change power)
- Dragon Possession (white hair, tan skin, red eyes, red cloak with black insignia mark) o Movement boost o Short range cone attack o +1hp
Pick up orbs
- Mana orb (white with black core) o Slightly smaller than other 2 orbs
- Dream orbs (Blue with golden core)
- Dragon orbs (Red with black core)
Basic Enemies (1*1 unit)
Fire sprites – flame up in a 2 unit + sign Ice sprites – create a 50% movement speed debuff road 2 sec melting timer Wind Sprite – Charge up and dash 10 units (or early if collision occurs) **Void sprites – teleport
- Always in pairs
Basic enemies moves in circles, with slightly randomized times to unleash their powers. Enemies switch walking direction if a collision occurs, or walk back two spaces first
Bosses (2*2units) Fire Spirit – Level 1, 6, 11 etc Same power but larger / more often Base Stats: 3Hp + HpLevelModifier; .45PayerSpeed * SpeedLevelModifier; 6 sec PowerTimer – Level Modifer. Ice Spirit – Level 2.. Same power but larger / more often Base Stats: 3Hp + HpLevelModifier; .5PlayerSpeed * SpeedLevelModifier; 4 sec MeltTimer + Level Modifer. Wind Spirit – Level 3… Same power but larger / more often Base Stats: 3Hp + HpLevelModifier; .60PlayerSpeed * SpeedLevelModifier; 6 sec PowerTimer – Level Modifer Angel – Level 4… Same power as player angel Base Stats: 4Hp + HpLevelModifier; .55PlayerSpeed * SpeedLevelModifier; 5 sec PowerTimer – Level Modifer Dragon – Level 5… Same power as player angel Base Stats: 5Hp + HpLevelModifier; .5PlayerSpeed * SpeedLevelModifier; 6 sec PowerTimer – Level Modifer
Bosses have some sort of follow / face player AI Bosses will cycle and get improved stats with every cycle. Game becomes impossible eventually? Have an enrage timer on bosses of about 30sec * level modifier. Bosses stats go up by 25% in enrage most
Orb Collection Mechanics
- With every mana orb collection a new enemy appears at a pylon away from the player.
- Max of two mana orbs can spawn at one pylon at any time. And player must collect a mana orb at a different location before respawning occurs.
- Mana orb must be collected ever 10 seconds
- Level 1 starts with 4 mana orbs to summon boss
- Boss must be defeated before collection for new boss begins however the one mana orb every 10 sec requirement is still in play
- An Angel or Dragon orb spawns randomly every 3-4 sec. Disappears in 15 sec
- Photoshop
- Unity 5
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Igor Akimenko - demonictomato
- Dolan Lucero
- Xiaohan Zhang
- Adela Chang
- Jordan Yuen
- Victor Phung
See the full list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Mineral License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Cold Stone Ice Cream