YDownloader provides an easy GUI for downloading youtube videos of preferred quality directly into your machine, through the help you youtube-dl. It allows you download full playlist, audio and captions from youtube and also lets you enter multiple video links to download them all at once.
To get started simply download the executable and run.
Or clone the repo and run:
python -m pip install requirements.txt
python main.py
Requires ffmpeg installed.
On debian-based linux distributions this can be simply done using:
sudo apt install ffmpeg
As of right now, downloding playlist feature requires you to manually obtain and provide youtube-api key to the application. This can be obtained through google developer's console.
After obtaining it create a file 'key.txt' with the api key written on it's fist line and add it to the same folder as the application.
- Request Youtube API Key through a dialog box.
- Show a downloading dialogue/messge.
- Figure out how to directly download into downloads folder, insted of moving the downloads into it.
- Figure out what goes wrong while downloading certain videos like:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ua3g6NKvHY - Eventually, make it possible to properly download playlist without youtube api key.