A checkstyle plugin which ensures nullness annotations on methods and constructors.
- JDK 8
- checkstyle 6.16.1+
Copy JSR305Checkstyle-x.x.x.jar into your eclipse dropins directory or add it to the classpath of your checkstyle task.
Add this to your checkstyle.xml:
<module name="Jsr305Annotations">
<property name="packages" value="your.package.path.to.check,another.package.path.to.check"/>
and enjoy
It is a gradle project with included gradle wrapper.
To develop, import project to eclipse with default settings after typing:
./gradlew eclipse
To build the jar type:
./gradlew jar
This project uses an annotated git tag to get the version number. To release you have to:
create an annotated tag
git tag -a X.Y.Z
where X.Y.Z is the version number to be released
push tags to https://github.com/bjrke/JSR305CheckstylePlugin/tree/master (the master branch)
git push --tags origin master
You can also do this by draft a release through https://github.com/bjrke/JSR305CheckstylePlugin/releases
build the release by calling
This will run a docker build environment which ensures a common JDK is used (currently OpenJDK8).
upload the result to
This plugin was original licensed under GPL but is now relicensed under LGPL v2.1 or above. See LICENSE