Net provides a clojure foundation to implement asynchronous networking based on netty.
It is much narrower in scope and features than aleph, which you might want to look into if you want a full-fledged asynchronous programming toolkit for clojure.
net is rather geared towards people with prior netty knowledge wanting to keep the same workflow in, hopefully, idiomatic Clojure, and nothing but standard clojure facilities.
- Light facades around netty concepts such as channels, pipelines, channel initializers and bootstraps
- Facilities to create TLS client and server contexts from PEM files
- Ring-like HTTP(S) server facade
- HTTP(S) client
- Simple interface to create TCP server with optional TLS support
- Clojure core.async support
Net now has full API Documentation and Guides.
Note that this repo is a hack for projects that wish to use Clojure 1.8: all the spec stuff has been removed.
[systems.billo/net "net-0.3.3-beta12-Clojure1.8"]
- Depend on netty 4.1.8-Final
- specs for http server options
- Small fixes
- Allow user-supplied executor for responses (thanks @mpenet).
- Fix HTTP-related regressions introduced by reflection work.
- Ensure all calls do not need reflection.
- Correctly terminate clients in tcp server shutdown fn.
- Break
into several protocols
- Add documentation and guides
- Improved specs
- Rework HTTP support to be aligned with jet
- Provide a single HTTP server interface, which allows aggregating or streaming body content.
- Allow user-supplied max body size
- Bugfix release for 0.2.18
- More restrictive specs
- Convenience macros to create encoders and decoders.
schemas instead of prismatic schema- Rely on Netty 4.1.6
- Additional sugar for futures and channels
- CRHough ( for a number of small fixes.
- Max Penet ( for most of the reflection fixes.
Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017 Pierre-Yves Ritschard, MIT License.