A listing of Bevy community members which is displayed on the People page of the Bevy website.
Submit a pull request to this repo with a new file called YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME.toml
inside one of the following folders:
- Community Members: Anyone is allowed to create a community member entry.
- The Bevy Organization: Put it in this folder only if you are a Bevy Org member.
Paste the template below into the file and fill out the fields that are relevant to you. Remove any optional fields that are not relevant to you.
You can use the following fields in a toml file:
# Name you want to appear with. This can be whatever name/alias makes you most comfortable.
# Mandatory
name = "Me, Myself and I"
# File name of your profile picture if you uploaded one
# If you provide a file, be mindful of its size
# If you also add your github profile, you can use "GitHub" to use your GitHub profile picture
# This can be any image that follows our code of conduct.
# Optional
profile-picture = "GitHub"
# Short presentation of yourself. This has a limit of 180 characters.
# Optional
bio = ""
# Link to your sponsoring page, GitHub Sponsor, Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee, ...
# Optional
sponsor = ""
# Social links
# Will link to https://github.com/<username>
# Optional
github = "username"
discord = "DiscordUsername#1234"
# This allows direct linking to your profile for people with a shared server
# https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID-
# Optional
discord-userid = ""
## Will link to https://<instance.com>/@<username>
# Optional
mastodon = "@[email protected]"
## Will link to https://twitter.com/<username>
# Optional
twitter = "username"
## Will link to https://<username>.itch.io/
# Optional
itch-io = "username"
## Will link to http://store.steampowered.com/developer/<developer_name>
# Optional
steam-developer = "developer_name"
## Free link, will be displayed as is
# Optional
website = "https://mywebsite.com"