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API Examples

baxiry edited this page Sep 9, 2024 · 5 revisions

API Documentation


Zara receives queries in JSON format. However, you can use JavaScript objects through the web interface provided by Zara via: localhost:1111


insert one object:

  collection: "users",
  action: "insert",
  data: {
    name: "adam",
    age: 23,

Insert many data objects (bulk):

  collection: "users",
  action: "insertMany",
  data: [
    { name: "Jalal", age: 23 },
    { name: "Alex", age: 30 },
    { name: "Adam", age: 35 },

Find & match

find objects matching specific conditions:

  collection: "users",
  action: "findMany",
  match: {
    name: "adam",
    age: { $gt: 18 }, // Greater than 18

Operators works with string & number:

$eq equal, e.g match:{age:{$eq: 20}}

$ne not equal match:{age:{$ne: 20}}

$lt less than, e.g match:{age:{$lt: 20}}

$gt greater then, e.g match:{age:{$gt: 20}}

$ge greater than or equal to, e.g match:{age:{$ge: 20}}

$le less than or equal to, e.g match:{age:{$le: 20}}

Operators that works with string only:

$st string starts with, e.g match:{name:{$st: "x"}}

$ns string not starts with, e.g match:{name:{$le: "x"}}

$en string ends with, e.g match:{name:{$le: "x"}}

$nen string not ends with, e.g match:{name:{$le: "x"}}

$c string contains, e.g match:{name:{$le: "x"}}

$nc string not contain, e.g match:{name:{$le: "x"}}

Contain. String Operators that works with lists:

$can string contains any, e.g match:{name:{$can: ['a','b','c']}}

$nca string not contain any, e.g match:{name:{$nca: ['a','b','c']}}

$cal string contain all, e.g match:{name:{$cal: ['a','b','c']}}

$nca string not contain all, e.g match:{name:{$nca: ['a','b','c']}}

Start. String Operators that works with lists:

$san string starts with any, e.g match:{name:{$san: ['a','b','c']}}

$nsa string not starts with any, e.g match:{name:{$nsa: ['a','b','c']}}

$ean string ends with any, e.g match:{name:{$ean: ['a','b','c']}}

$nea string not ends with any, e.g match:{name:{$nea: ['a','b','c']}}

find objects matching any value in list:

// Number list:
  collection: "users",
  action: "findMany",
  match: {
    age: { $in: [12, 23, 34] },
// String list:
  collection: "users",
  action: "findMany",
  match: {
    name: { $in: ["Hohn", "Zaid"] },

Select objects that do not match any value in list:

find any object whose age does not match any value in the list.

  collection: "users",
  action: "findMany",
  match: {
    age: { $nin: [12, 23, 34] },

find any object whose name does not match any value in the list.

  collection: "users",
  action: "findMany",
  match: {
    name: { $nin: ["akram", "zaid"] },

find objects matching any conditions by $or operator:

  collection: "users",
  action: "findMany",
  match: {
    $or: [
      { name: { $eq: "akram" } },
      { age: { $gt: 13 } },

find objects that matching all conditions by $and operator:

  collection: "users",
  action: "findMany",
  match: {
    $and: [
      { name: { $eq: "akram" } },
      { age: { $gt: 13 } },

find one object:

  collection: "users",
  action: "findOne",
  match: {
    name: "adam",

find objects matching conditions:

  collection: "users",
  action: "findMany",
  match: {
    name: "Adam",

Sort by & reverse result:

  collection: "users",
  action: "findMany",
  sort:{name:1, age:1},
// sort by name. names are equal then sort by age
// param 1 = Ascending, anything else = Descending
// Preferably use 0 for Descending


Update by ID:

  collection: "users",
  action: "updateById",
  _id: 3,
  data: {
    name: "Alex",
    age: 10,

Update one or more documents matching criteria:

  collection: "users",
  action: "updateOne",
  match: { _id: { $gt: 33 } }, // greater than 33
  data: {
    name: "hosam",
    age: 20,


Delete the first document matching conditions:

  collection: "users",
  action: "deleteOne",
  match: {
    name: "adam",
    age: { $gt: 12 },


we will appely aggregation on this data:

  collection: "products",
  action: "insertMany",
  data: [
	{ "item" : "Americanos", "price" : 5, "size": "Short", "quantity" : 22 },
	{ "item" : "Cappuccino", "price" : 6, "size": "Short","quantity" : 12 },
	{ "item" : "Lattes", "price" : 15, "size": "Grande","quantity" : 25 },
	{ "item" : "Mochas", "price" : 25,"size": "Tall", "quantity" : 11 },
	{ "item" : "Americanos", "price" : 10, "size": "Grande","quantity" : 12 },
	{ "item" : "Cappuccino", "price" : 7, "size": "Tall","quantity" : 20},
	{ "item" : "Lattes", "price" : 25,"size": "Tall", "quantity" : 30 },
	{ "item" : "Americanos", "price" : 10, "size": "Grande","quantity" },
	{ "item" : "Cappuccino", "price" : 10, "size": "Grande","quantity" },
	{ "item" : "Americanos", "price" : 8, "size": "Tall","quantity" }

$min $max $count $avg $sum examples:

  collection: "products",
  action: "aggregate",  
  group: {
      _id: 'item',
      countItems: {$count: ''}, // count param should be zero value
      minPrice: {$min: 'price'},
      maxPrice: {$max: 'price'},
      sumPrice: {$sum: 'price'},
      averagePrice: { $avg: 'price'},
      averageAmount: {$avg: { $multiply: ['quantity','price']}}