And I can bring you the results of the latest professional Dota2 matches as quick as possible!
And I live here: @creeps_report_bot
I think you should learn some simple commands to work with me!
Typing this in the chat will show you the list of currently active professional teams (who have played at least 1 match in the last six months):
โ Gaimin Gladiators - to subscribe: /team_subscribe Gaimin Gladiators โ Team Spirit - to unsubscribe: /team_unsubscribe Team Spirit
As you can guess, we currently have a subscription to Team Spirit and we don't have a subscription to Gaimin Gladiators. We can change this. You can click on a suggested command which will copy it to the buffer and then paste it. Let's discuss it further.
Typing, for example,/team_subscribe Gaimin Gladiators
will subscribe you to that team's updates. Simple.
Typing, for example, /team_unsubscribe Team Spirit
will unsubscribe you from that team's updates. Simple too.
Once some match of one of the teams you are subscribed to ends, the bot will send your a message like that:
What we can see here:
- firstly, the name of the tournament
- then, the winner of the match
- type of series (can be Bo1, Bo2, Bo3, Bo5, you know that!)
- the score in the series indicated by these circles: โ, โช; the filled one means 1 win in the series
- match score
- match duration
- Radiant vs Dire teams with each player's score
Just docker and docker-compose. Nothing else.
Air will do all the rebuilding work for you!
The data is fetched from OpenDOTA API
- if you need a non-standard port to use AirTELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN
- the token you got from @BotFatherTELEGRAM_BOT_ADMIN
- telegram tag of the bot admin without@
- the value in seconds of how often the latest matches will be parsed (this value will affect the delay with which we receive results)
go run ./cmd/runmigrations/main.go
- run migrationsgo run ./cmd/fetchteams/main.go
- parse teamsgo run ./cmd/activateteams/main.go
- make some teams active manually. Supports multiple teams divided by space. Spaces in the team name should be replaced by "_". For example:go run ./cmd/activateteams/main.go LGD_Gaming
go run ./cmd/deactivateteams/main.go
- make some teams inactive manually. Supports multiple teams divided by space. Spaces in the team name should be replaced by "_". For example:go run ./cmd/activateteams/main.go LGD_Gaming