Submission to Mini Jam 176: Foxes, with a limitation of flipping a coin as a mechanic.
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Inquiring minds alike, Fox Newroll Network (FoxNN) gets you covered! In the 22nd century, foxes are the playful super-wizards. They traverse the world on a daily basis, observing, and discovering through a mechanism known as 'heads or tails' (no, it's not coin flipping, just some fox magic outside of the reach of languages).
Bring your cup of moonbeam tea, join the foxes in their inquiries for this issue.
A text-based exploration, with a grain of Automatic Imagination. Supports many types of input, with controls explained in-game. Has sounds; please use the browser's tab mute function to toggle it.
- ABeeZee by Anja Meiners
- 寒蝉全圆体 (ChillRoundF) by @Warren2060
All other content is original and licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 International. Sources licensed under GNU AGPL. See COPYING.CC.txt and COPYING.AGPL.txt for full text.
No AI-produced content has gone into the game itself.