- eks: A masters role is no longer provisioned by default. Use the
property to explicitly pass a role that needs cluster access. In addition, the creation role no longer allows any identity (with the appropriatests:AssumeRole
permissions) to assume it.
- apigateway: add grantExecute to API Methods (#25630) (ecb59fd)
- appmesh: access log format support for app mesh (#25229) (c4b00be)
- appsync: Add Private API support when creating a GraphqlApi (#25569) (d7e263d)
- cfnspec: cloudformation spec v122.0.0 (#25555) (5ccc569)
- cli: assets can now depend on stacks (#25536) (25d5d60)
- cli: logging can be corked (#25644) (0643020), closes #25536
- codepipeline-actions: add KMSEncryptionKeyARN for S3DeployAction (#24536) (b60876f), closes #24535
- eks: alb controller include versions 2.4.2 - 2.5.1 (#25330) (83c4c36), closes #25307
- msk: Kafka version 3.4.0 (#25557) (6317518), closes #25522
- scheduler: schedule expression construct (#25422) (97a698e)
Bug Fixes
- bootstrap: bootstrap doesn't work in non-aws partitions anymore (revert security hub finding fix) (#25540) (8854739), closes /github.com/aws/aws-cdk/issues/19380#issuecomment-1512009270 #25272 #25273 #25507
- eks: overly permissive trust policies (#25473) (51f0193). We would like to thank @twelvemo and @stefreak for reporting this issue.