❗ IMPORTANT: Beedb is being deprecated in favor of Beego.orm ❗
Beedb is an ORM for Go. It lets you map Go structs to tables in a database. It's intended to be very lightweight, doing very little beyond what you really want. For example, when fetching data, instead of re-inventing a query syntax, we just delegate your query to the underlying database, so you can write the "where" clause of your SQL statements directly. This allows you to have more flexibility while giving you a convenience layer. But beedb also has some smart defaults, for those times when complex queries aren't necessary.
Right now, it interfaces with Mysql/SQLite/PostgreSQL/DB2/MS ADODB/ODBC/Oracle. The goal however is to add support for other databases in the future, including maybe MongoDb or NoSQL?
Relationship-support is not implemented, for this we will recommend you to use Beego.orm.
All in all, it's not entirely ready for advanced use yet, but it's getting there.
Drivers for Go's sql package which support database/sql includes:
DB2: bitbucket.org/phiggins/go-db2-cli
MS ADODB: github.com/mattn/go-adodb[*]
ODBC: bitbucket.org/miquella/mgodbc[*]
Oracle: github.com/mattn/go-oci8
Drivers marked with a [*]
are tested with Beedb
go get github.com/astaxie/beedb
Open a database link(may be will support ConnectionPool in the future)
db, err := sql.Open("mymysql", "test/xiemengjun/123456")
if err != nil {
orm := beedb.New(db)
with PostgreSQL,
orm := beedb.New(db, "pg")
Open Debug log, turn on the debug
Model a struct after a table in the db
type Userinfo struct {
Uid int `beedb:"PK" sql:"UID" tname:"USER_INFO"` //if the table's PrimaryKey is not "Id", use this tag
Username string `sql:"USERNAME"`
Departname string `sql:"DEPARTNAME"`
Created time.Time `sql:"CREATED"`
###Caution The structs Name 'UserInfo' will turn into the table name 'USER_INFO', as defined by the tname tag. If the key 'UserName' will turn into the select colum 'USERNAME' because of the sql tag.
Create an object and save it
var saveone Userinfo
saveone.Username = "Test Add User"
saveone.Departname = "Test Add Departname"
saveone.Created = time.Now()
Saving new and existing objects
saveone.Username = "Update Username"
saveone.Departname = "Update Departname"
saveone.Created = time.Now()
orm.Save(&saveone) //now saveone has the primarykey value it will update
Fetch a single object
var user Userinfo
orm.Where("uid=?", 27).Find(&user)
var user2 Userinfo
orm.Where(3).Find(&user2) // this is shorthand for the version above
var user3 Userinfo
orm.Where("name = ?", "john").Find(&user3) // more complex query
var user4 Userinfo
orm.Where("name = ? and age < ?", "john", 88).Find(&user4) // even more complex
Fetch multiple objects
var allusers []Userinfo
err := orm.Where("id > ?", "3").Limit(10,20).FindAll(&allusers) //Get id>3 limit 10 offset 20
var tenusers []Userinfo
err := orm.Where("id > ?", "3").Limit(10).FindAll(&tenusers) //Get id>3 limit 10 if omit offset the default is 0
var everyone []Userinfo
err := orm.FindAll(&everyone)
Find result as Map
//Original SQL Backinfo resultsSlice []map[string][]byte
//default PrimaryKey id
a, _ := orm.SetTable("userinfo").SetPK("uid").Where(2).Select("uid,username").FindMap()
Update with Map
t := make(map[string]interface{})
var j interface{}
j = "astaxie"
t["username"] = j
//update one
Update batch with Map
orm.SetTable("userinfo").Where("uid>?", 3).Update(t)
Insert data with Map
add := make(map[string]interface{})
j = "astaxie"
add["username"] = j
j = "cloud develop"
add["departname"] = j
j = "2012-12-02"
add["created"] = j
Insert batch with map
addslice := make([]map[string]interface{})
j = "astaxie"
add["username"] = j
j = "cloud develop"
add["departname"] = j
j = "2012-12-02"
add["created"] = j
j = "astaxie2"
add2["username"] = j
j = "cloud develop2"
add2["departname"] = j
j = "2012-12-02"
add2["created"] = j
addslice =append(addslice, add, add2)
Join Table
a, _ := orm.SetTable("userinfo").Join("LEFT", "userdeatail", "userinfo.uid=userdeatail.uid").Where("userinfo.uid=?", 1).Select("userinfo.uid,userinfo.username,userdeatail.profile").FindMap()
Group By And Having
a, _ := orm.SetTable("userinfo").GroupBy("username").Having("username='astaxie'").FindMap()
Nesting Models (inline)
type SQLModel struct {
Id int `beedb:"PK" sql:"id"`
Created time.Time `sql:"created"`
Modified time.Time `sql:"modified"`
type User struct {
SQLModel `sql:",inline"`
Name string `sql:"name" tname:"fn_group"`
Auth int `sql:"auth"`
// the SQL table has the columns: id, name, auth, created, modified
// They are marshalled and unmarshalled automatically because of the inline keyword
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