writing very very very silly code (watch my go percentage go up!)
github gives you 6 pinned repos max. here's some cool (open source) stuff i've made:
- cyan: an azule "clone" that doesn't suck!
- quin: quickly inject dylibs into an IPA without fully unzipping
- appdupe: a cli tool to duplicate iOS apps "correctly"
- altSourceConverter: convert "esign-style" repos to AltSource format
- zxUpdateNotifier: an injectable tweak that notifies you of app updates; useful when sideloading
- update-notifier: a telegram bot that will send updates to a channel whenever an update has been released for an app store app
- repo-notifier: sends a message to somewhere on telegram when a new app has been added to an altstore/esign/whatever repo
- makeproj: quickly make a theos project (with sane defaults)
- DiscordNoTrack: blocks tracking on discord's iOS app
- ESignNoTelemetry: a (garbage) tweak that blocks telemetry on esign