This repo is meant to be used for testing the frameworks software stacks on ALCF systems. It includes a set of simple pytorch examples to test whether the frameworks work well or not.
The issues will be reported here: This will be used to keep track of all the issues.
Torch Dist test: Torch dist communication tests, including all the collective communicatino tests.
mpiexec -np 24 --ppn 12 --cpu-binding $CPU_BIND python3 ./
DTensor: This is testing the distributed matrix multiplication tests using DTensor. --dim is the total dimension of the global matrix, and --tp-size is the organization of the processor mesh (tp_size, world_size/tp_size)
mpiexec -np 24 --ppn 12 --cpu-binding $CPU_BIND python3 ./ --tp-size 8 --dim 96
ResNet50: Resnet50 with FSDP or DDP
mpiexec -np 24 --ppn 12 --cpu-binding $CPU_BIND python3 ./
mpiexec -np 24 --ppn 12 --cpu-binding $CPU_BIND python3 ./
mpi4py: Testing mpi4py
mpiexec -np 24 --ppn 12 --cpu-binding $CPU_BIND python3 ./
Checkpoint: this is to test the file system and storage system
mpiexec -np 24 --ppn 12 --cpu-binding $CPU_BIND python3 ./ --output-folder /tmp/
If you have any tests that you think important to include, please send a PR. In the PR, please include 1) the code to run; 2) information about what aspects of the software / hardware the test is evaluating.