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Fatos absurdos e não democráticos que não são evidenciados na mídia...


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Linha do Tempo de Abusos Federais

Fatos absurdos e não democráticos que não são evidenciados na mídia...

Source Template

Dev Portfolio GitHub visitors

A minimal portfolio template for Developers!

Dev Portfolio


⚡️ Modern UI Design + Reveal Animations
⚡️ Made with React
⚡️ Fully Responsive
⚡️ Easily Customizable
⚡️ Well organized documentation


To view the demo: click here

Why do you need a portfolio? ☝️

  • Professional way to showcase your work
  • Increases your visibility and online presence
  • better chance of getting work opportunity

Getting Started 🚀

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Prerequisites 📋

You'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with NPM) installed on your computer.

Also, you can use Yarn instead of NPM ☝️

Setup 🔧

From your command line, first clone Dev Portfolio:

# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# Move into the repository
$ cd dev-portfolio

# Remove the current origin repository
$ git remote remove origin

After that, you can install the dependencies either using NPM or Yarn.

Using NPM: Simply run the below commands.

# Install dependencies
$ npm install --legacy-peer-deps

# Force audit fix
$ npm audit fix --force

# Start the development server
$ npm start

Using Yarn: Be aware of that you'll need to delete the package-lock.json file if exists before executing the below commands.

# Install dependencies
$ yarn

# Start the development server
$ yarn start

Once your server has started, go to this url http://localhost:3000/ to see the portfolio locally. The page will reload if you make edits.

Customization Instructions:

Step 1 - DATA & IMAGES

All customizable files are inside the public/ folder, organised mainly into public/images/ and public/profile/.

  • public/images contains all the image assets that can be customized on website
  • public/profile contains all text and info inside json files that can be customized according to need

(1) NavBar

  • Open public/profile/navbar.json It has 2 keys, logo and sections.
    "logo" : {
        "source": "images/logo.png",
        "height" : 45,
        "width" : 50
    "sections": [
            "title": "Home",
            "href": "/"
            "title": "About",
            "href": "/about"
            "title": "Skills",
            "href": "/skills"
            "title": "Education",
            "href": "/education"
            "title": "Experience",
            "href": "/experience"
            "title": "Projects",
            "href": "/projects"
            "title": "Resume",
            "href": "",
            "type": "link"
key Description
logo image you want to show as brand image on NavBar. It can be also be a simple logo with just your intitials
logo.source path to the logo image
logo.height height of logo
logo.width width of logo
sections array of sections that you want to show on Navbar as links
sections.title title of the section
sections.href link to that section. Same as path mentioned in routes.json
sections.type Opens in a new tab if value is link. optional field

(2) Routes

  • open public/profile/routes.json
    "sections": [
            "component": "About",
            "path": "/about",
            "headerTitle": "About"
            "component": "Skills",
            "path": "/skills",
            "headerTitle": "Skills"
            "component": "Education",
            "path": "/education",
            "headerTitle": "Education"
            "component": "Experience",
            "path": "/experience",
            "headerTitle": "Experience"
            "component": "Projects",
            "path": "/projects",
            "headerTitle": "Projects"
key Description
sections array of sections that you want to create route for
sections.component name of the Component. No need to change it unless you want to customize the entire Component.
sections.path route for the particular section. this is the path where the particular section will be accessible
sections.headerTitle title to be shown on the top of that section page
  • For component customization, create a component of your own inside src/components/ and use name of that component here.

(3) Home Section

Home Info

  • open public/profile/home.json
    "name": "Your Name",
    "roles": ["a Developer", "a Freelancer"]
key Description
name your name
roles string array separated by ,. mention your roles here

Social Links

  • open public/profile/social.json
    "social": [
            "network" : "linkedin",
            "href": ""
            "network" : "github",
            "href": ""
            "network" : "email",
            "href": "mailto:[email protected]"
key Description
social array of social links network name as provided in react-social-icons
social.href link for particular social network
  • we are using react-social-icons here. you can visit it to see all available social icons to use

(4) About Section

  • open public/profile/about.json
    "about": " This is where you can describe about **yourself**.",
    "imageSource": "images/about/profile.png"
key Description
about write about yourself, your works and goals here. markdown supported
imageSource path to your profile image. (recommended size 400 x 450)

(5) Skills Section

  • open public/profile/skills.json
    "intro": "I love to learn new things and experiment with new technologies.\nThese are some of the major languages, technologies, tools and platforms I have worked with:",
    "skills": [{
            "title": "Languages",
            "items" : [
                    "icon": "images/skills/java.png",
                    "title": "Java"
                    "icon": "images/skills/js.png",
                    "title": "JavaScript"
            "title": "Frameworks & Technologies",
            "items" : [
                    "icon": "images/skills/react.png",
                    "title": "React"
            "title" : "Tools & Platforms",
            "items": [
                    "icon": "images/skills/git.png",
                    "title": "Git"
key Description
intro small introduction line related to your skills. markdown supported
skills array containing skills under different categories
skills.title title for category under which you want to list particular skills
skills.items array containing skills for this category
skills.items.icon path to skill logo
skills.items.title title of skill
  • many pre existing skill logos are available inside public/images/skills.

(6) Education Section

  • open public/profile/education.json
            "title": "Jun 20XX - Jun 20YY",
            "cardTitle": "B.Tech, Computer Science",
            "cardSubtitle":"XYZ University, City",
            "cardDetailedText": "CGPA - 9.5",
            "icon" : {
                "src": "images/education/lorem-ipsum.png"
            "title": "Apr 20XX",
            "cardTitle": "High School",
            "cardSubtitle":"ABC School, City",
            "cardDetailedText": "Marks - 95%"
key Description
education array containing education history of a person
education.title date range during which this education was pursued or passing date
education.cardTitle degree or course name
education.cardSubtitle school or institute name
education.cardDetailedText extra info such as marks or cgpa
education.icon icon shown on the timeline. optional field
education.icon.src path to icon

(7) Experience Section

  • open public/profile/experiences.json
    "experiences": [
            "title": "Software Engineer",
            "subtitle": "XYZ Ltd",
            "workType": "Full-time",
            "workDescription": [
                "Integrated **2** new product.",
                "Worked on adding **def** to **bcd**. Improved speed by 50%."
            "dateText": "06/20XX – Present"
            "title": "Software Engineer",
            "subtitle": "XYZ Ltd",
            "workType": "Internship",
            "workDescription": [
                "Worked on abc."
            "dateText": "01/20XX – 05/20XX"
            "title": "App Developer",
            "subtitle": "ABC Pvt Ltd",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "Developed the official apps for the startup for both Android and iOS using hybrid framework.",
                "Done bcd work."
            "dateText": "09/20XX – 01/20YY"
key Description
experiences array containing work experiences of a person
experiences.title role or designation title
experiences.subtitle company or organization name. optional field
experiences.workType type of work experience. example - internship, freelance, full-time. optional field
experiences.workDescription string array to highlight specific points related to that work experiece. markdown supported
experiences.dateText date range text during which particular work experience was pursued.

(8) Projects Section

  • open public/profile/projects.json
    "projects" : [
            "image" : "images/projects/portfolio-poster.png",
            "title": "Dev Portfolio",
            "bodyText": "- Developer Portfolio Website made in React\n -  Fully customisable and dynamic, easily change data and images.\n - Dark Mode Support",
            "links": [
                    "text": "GitHub",
                    "href": ""
                    "text": "Live",
                    "href": ""
            "tags" : [
            "title": "MVVM Sample App",
            "bodyText": "- An Android App that loads data from mock API and show in both **LinearLayout** and **GridLayout RecyclerView**.\n - Offline support using **Room** DB and **NetworkBoundResource**.\n - Uses the **MVVM** architecture.",
            "links": [
                    "text": "GitHub",
                    "href": ""
            "tags" : [
            "title": "Task Tracker",
            "bodyText": "- A simple Task Tracker web app made with **Angular 12**.\n - Uses **mock JSON server** to get, add, delete or update tasks.",
            "links": [
                    "text": "GitHub",
                    "href": ""
            "tags" : [
                "Angular 12",
key Description
projects array containing projects information
projects.image add project poster here. optional field.
projects.title title of the project
projects.bodyText description of project. markdown supported
projects.links clickable links related to the project. optional field
projects.links.text title of link to display
projects.links.href actual link to be redirected to on click of the button
projects.tags string array containing tags related to projects. optional field

(9) Resume Section

  • It is a clickable link which opens the link provided (generally drive link of resume file) in the navbar.json under Resume.

Step 2 - STYLES

Change the color theme of the website -

Go to /src/theme/themes.js and change the values of the required components both under lightTheme and darkTheme with your prefered HEX color.

//Default Values
export const lightTheme = {
  background: '#fff',
  color: '#121212',
  accentColor: '#3D84C6',
  chronoTheme: {
    cardBgColor: 'white',
    cardForeColor: 'black',
    titleColor: 'white',
  timelineLineColor: '#ccc',
  cardBackground: '#fff',
  cardFooterBackground: '#f7f7f7',
  cardBorderColor: '#00000020',
  navbarTheme: {
    linkColor: '#dedede',
    linkHoverColor: '#fefefe',
    linkActiveColor: '#fefefe',
  bsPrimaryVariant: 'light',
  bsSecondaryVariant: 'dark',
  socialIconBgColor: '#121212',

export const darkTheme = {
  background: '#121212',
  color: '#eee',
  accentColor: '#3D84C6',
  chronoTheme: {
    cardBgColor: '#1B1B1B',
    cardForeColor: '#eee',
    titleColor: 'black',
  timelineLineColor: '#444',
  cardBackground: '#060606',
  cardFooterBackground: '#181818',
  cardBorderColor: '#ffffff20',
  navbarTheme: {
    linkColor: '#dedede',
    linkHoverColor: '#fefefe',
    linkActiveColor: '#fefefe',
  bsPrimaryVariant: 'dark',
  bsSecondaryVariant: 'light',
  socialIconBgColor: '#fefefe',

Step 3 - EXTRA

Go to public/index.html. Change title and logo if you want to customize it.

Deployment 📦

Once you finish your setup. You need to put your website online!

I highly recommend to use Vercel because it is super easy.

Notable Portfolios made using this template



If you find a bug, feel free to open an issue in this repository.

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


    "experiences": [
            "title": "Adélio ",
            "subtitle": "Clube de tiro de São José/SC",
            "workType": "Full-time",
            "workDescription": [
                "Adélio esteve no clube de tiro de São José/SC, onde estava previsto Carlos Bolsonaro treinar, mas não compareceu. Quem passou essa informação para Adélio? Quem o financiou? Ele assassinaria o Carlos?"
            "dateText": "5/julho/2018"
            "title": "Adélio",
            "subtitle": "Juiz de Fora/MG",
            "workType": "Internship",
            "workDescription": [
                "Pela manhã, temos imagens de Adélio se aproximando de Carlos em Juiz de Fora, e só não o alcançou porque o mesmo entrou num carro. Por questão de 1 ou 2 segundos ele estaria a seu lado. Carlos seria golpeado?"
            "dateText": "06/set/2018"
            "title": "Adélio",
            "subtitle": "Esfaqueia Jair Bolsonaro",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "Por volta das 12h Adélio esfaqueia Jair Bolsonaro. Segundo os médicos da Santa Casa de Juiz de Fora, JB sobreviveu por milagre. Além de outros ferimentos, a faca perfurou sua veia mezentéria."
            "dateText": "06/set/2018"
            "title": "Adélio",
            "subtitle": "Câmara dos Deputados",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "Alguém busca entrar na Câmara dos Deputados se passando por Adélio. Caso Adélio não fosse preso em Juiz de Fora, os assassinos teriam o álibi perfeito."
            "dateText": "06/set/2018"
            "title": "Adélio",
            "subtitle": "Três advogados em avião particular",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "Feriado nacional. Três advogados chegam a Juiz de Fora para atender Adélio. Um deles com avião particular. Chamo-os de advogados samaritanos, já que disseram estar lá por questão humanitária, queriam proteger Adélio, ou melhor, garantir que ele nada falasse sobre o mandante."
            "dateText": "07/set/2018"
            "title": "Delegado Rodrigo Morais",
            "subtitle": "Polícia Federal",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "É instalado Inquérito pela Polícia Federal, tendo o Delegado Rodrigo Morais como encarregado."
            "dateText": "---"
            "title": "Adélio",
            "subtitle": "Dona da pensão morre",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "A dona da pensão onde Adélio se hospedou em JF morreu poucas semanas depois do atentado. Outro hóspede da pensão também morreu (isso nos lembra Celso Daniel)."
            "dateText": "---"
            "title": "Delegado Rodrigo Morais",
            "subtitle": "lobo solitário",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "Tempos depois o delegado Rodrigo Morais mesmo, com todos esses indícios, concluiu que Adélio agiu sozinho, foi um "lobo solitário". Só que o tal "lobo" tinha informações privilegiadas de onde se encontravam, pelo Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro e seus filhos. Mesmo desempregado Adélio também viajava e se hospedava à "caça" de JB e seus filhos."
            "dateText": "---"
            "title": "Delegado Rodrigo Morais",
            "subtitle": "Diretor Geral da PF",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "Lula assume, nomeia Diretor Geral da PF seu amigo particular delegado Andrei. Ato contínuo, vejam só, o delegado Rodrigo Morais, aquele que nada apurou sobre a tentativa de assassinato de JB é nomeado para a mais importante diretoria da PF, a de Inteligência."
            "dateText": "Janeiro/2023"
            "title": "Delegado Rodrigo Morais",
            "subtitle": "Adélio não tem qualquer relação com o PCC",
            "workType": "PCC",
            "workDescription": [
                "Em operação a PF conclui que um dos advogado de Adélio, dr. Fernando Magalhães, também advoga e lava dinheiro para o PCC. Com o advogado de Adélio também foi apreendido uma aeronave, um Porsche e R$ 200 milhões são bloqueados em sua conta. O delegado Rodrigo Morais reforça que Adélio não tem qualquer relação com o PCC. São apenas coincidências: Adélio, PCC, avião, Porsche, 200 milhões..."
            "dateText": "11/junho/24"
            "title": "Delegado Rodrigo Morais",
            "subtitle": "Indícios foram desprezados",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "Nunca tantos indícios foram desprezados numa investigação da PF. Não pode ser uma simples coincidência o Delegado que nada fez para elucidar a facada pelo ex-militante do PSOL, ser nomeado para a mais importante Diretoria da PF."
            "dateText": "---"
            "title": "Delegado Rodrigo Morais",
            "subtitle": "Investigar Jair Bolsonaro",
            "workType": "baleia, leite condensado, presentes, cartão de vacinação, carpas...",
            "workDescription": [
                "A Diretoria de Inteligência da PF, segundo a mídia, tem como missão única investigar Jair Bolsonaro em todos os processos demandados pelo Supremo, entre outros: baleia, leite condensado, presentes, cartão de vacinação, carpas, moedas no espelho d'água, móveis desaparecidos, cloroquina, golpe de festim, etc, etc, etc..."
            "dateText": "---"
            "title": "Sérgio Moro",
            "subtitle": "Presidente Venceslau/SP",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "Presos acusados de envolvimento em plano para sequestrar e matar Sérgio Moro são assassinados a facadas dentro de penitenciária em Presidente Venceslau/SP. Queima de arquivo? Por que Adélio está vivo até hoje? Um soldado do PCC não seria jamais abandonado, obviamente..."
            "dateText": "17/junho/24"
            "title": "Adélio",
            "subtitle": "´Transtorno Delirante Persistente´",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "Adélio foi considerado portador de um ´Transtorno Delirante Persistente´ logo, tudo o que porventura ele vier a falar não vale para a Justiça. Ele está blindado pelo Sistema e protegido pelo PCC. E a PF nada apura... exceto presentes, cartão de vacinação e "gópi"..."
            "dateText": "---"
            "title": "Ministério da Justiça",
            "subtitle": "Presídios estão sob sigilo",
            "workType": "Freelance",
            "workDescription": [
                "O Ministério da Justiça determinou que fugas em presídios estão sob sigilo. Não se assustem se um Marcola aparecer na sua frente, ou se o Adélio concluir seu serviço contra Bolsonaro. Tudo em defesa das instituições e do Estado Democrático de Direito ..."
            "dateText": "---"


Fatos absurdos e não democráticos que não são evidenciados na mídia...








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