Quiz yourself on ANY topic, from the command line.
I wanted to prove myself (and to the WORLD) that I could learn C++ after avoiding it for almost 20 years. The thought process went something like this:
- I should make a little C++ app to quiz me on C++
- Hey, ChatGPT could generate quiz questions
- Wait.. ChatGPT could generate quiz about anything.
Thus, the project was born and it goes something like this:
[ Insert GIF here ]
Pre-requisites: libcurl.4, soon to be libxml2
This app uses CMake, mainly because of its GoogleTest integration.
$ git clone https://github.com/aphelionz/cppquiz && cd cppquiz
$ cmake -S . -B build
$ cmake --build build
After following the steps above, obtain an OpenAI API Key, and then run:
bash $ OPENAI_API_KEY=yourkeyhere ./build/cppquiz
Tests are build with GoogleTest and run via ctest
Sure, why not!
This code is licensed under the extremely permissive MIT license. Do what you want :)