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Emacs support for passage: an age encryption based port of the standard unix password manager


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passage.el: age encryption support for the standard unix password manager

passage.el builds on top of age.el to provide Emacs support for passage which is an Age encryption based port of pass, the standard unix password manager.


Put the passage.el project in your load-path and:

(require 'passage)

You can now interact with your passage based local encryption store. Please see the passage README for instructions on how to migrate from the gpg based pass utility to the age based passage utility.

passage.el assumes your passage store is located at ~/.passage/store but you may customize this through the auth-source-passage-filename variable.

Tips and Tricks

Using passage store secrets in your elisp code

passage.el includes an auth-source back-end for passage, which means you can programmatically fetch passwords out of your passage store with auth-source-passage-get, e.g.:

(auth-source-passage-get 'secret "store/secret")

Pass to passage migration

#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -eou pipefail
cd "${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR:-$HOME/.password-store}"
while read -r -d "" passfile; do
    name="${passfile#./}"; name="${name%.gpg}"
    [[ -f "${PASSAGE_DIR:-$HOME/.passage/store}/$name.age" ]] && continue
    pass "$name" | passage insert -m "$name" || { passage rm "$name"; break; }
done < <(find . -path '*/.git' -prune -o -iname '*.gpg' -print0)

Pinentry support

For pinentry support I recommend you use rage as your age encryption utility.

Specifying alternate passage identities and recipients across systems

If your emacs configuration moves around a variety of systems that all share the same passage store, but you do not want to keep the same key material on all those systems, you can encrypt to a series of recipients via newline seperated public keys at ~/.passage/store/.age-recipients

If you’d like to specify a specific identity (private key) for passage.el to use on password show operations, you can use the normal environment variables recognized by passage for this in your configuration, e.g.:

(setenv "PASSAGE_IDENTITIES_FILE" (expand-file-name "~/path/to/identity"))

This is useful to deconflict e.g. age-plugin-yubikey managed identities contained in the default passage identity file at ~/.passage/identities for which the yubikeys may not be plugged into the system you are currently working with.

Note that for file open operations, you’ll want to use age.el in conjuction with passage.el, which has its own identity and recipient configuration settings. For example, on one of my virtual machines, I use an alternate identity, who’s recipient is included in the passage.el and age.el configurations on all my system, and specify to only use this identity for age.el and passage.el, respectively, on the virtual machine using the following configuration:

(setq age-default-identity (expand-file-name "~/.ssh/age_yubikey_vm"))
(setenv "PASSAGE_IDENTITIES_FILE" age-default-identity)

As of #4 passage.el will automagically set age-default-identity and age-default-recipient from PASSAGE_IDENTITIES_FILE, PASSAGE_RECIPIENTS_FILE or PASSAGE_RECIPIENTS environment variables for passage.el based `find-file` operations. When you open a file from the passage store any existing passage environment configuration will supercede your Emacs-wide age.el configuration. This simplifies your use of passage.el without needing to manually deconflict or align age.el configurations with your passage configuration.

It is important to understand that passage is its own tool with its own configuration. It only, and ONLY, depends on age.el for operating on its associated Age files inside Emacs buffers.

This behavior is backwards compatible with prior passage.el configurations and was added for users who might have entirely different Age identities and recipients for their Emacs-wide Age files vs their passage store Age files. If these environment variables are not set, passage.el will fall back to using the global age.el identity and recipient configuration for its file open and save operations.

For details on proper passage configuration please see its documentation at:

TL;DR: if passage works for you on the normal cli, it should now also work inside passage.el without having to worry about your age.el configuration, by default.

Other passage use cases

The passage author has a nice walkthrough of their personal, non-emacs based, passage configuration and future plans for the project here:

Known Issues

OTP plugin support is untested

I have not tested passage with the OTP plugins. Ostensibly the regular pass plugins should work relatively unchanged but this is conjecture at this point.



This code was ported from the original password-store Emacs support libraries and its authors are:

Their original copyright assignments apply as this code is mostly a search and replace port of their work.


Emacs support for passage: an age encryption based port of the standard unix password manager







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