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Container Minutes 28 Aug 2017

Chris Houseknecht edited this page Sep 11, 2017 · 1 revision


  • ryansb
  • j00bar
  • gregdek
  • fabianvf
  • chouseknecht


  • Pre-baked conductor images and release 1.0.0
    • chouseknecht opened the meeting with two items left over from the prior meeting:
      • possible point release prior to 1.0.0
      • status of releasing 1.0.0
    • j00bar reiterated that he was happy to do a point release, but if 'pre-baked conductor images' is only a week or two away, it might be better to hold off.
    • j00bar asked ryansb for a status on 'pre-baked conductor images'
    • ryansb stated he is working to get it pushed out this week. Remaining items include:
    • gregdek asked for instructions on testing. ryansb replied:
      • basically same instructions as running from source to get my branch down locally
      • python ./ prebake --debug --distros centos:7, where centos:7 is your favorite distro.
      • then use a-c as you would on your existing projects
    • gregdek asked, could we push a 0.99 release to accelerate testing? Advisable or no?
    • ryansb felt that pushing right now without further testing might break existing projects
    • j00bar asserted that none of the outstanding issues were blockers to merging the 'pre-baked conductor images' branch into the develop branch.
    • chouseknecht raised the point that the branch contains no documentation, which is a blocker to including it in a release.
    • The discussion concluded with agreement that ryansb would work to complete the following tasks by the end of the week:
      • Merge the pre-bake branch develop
      • Finish the release script
      • Write docs
  • Finding a person or persons to maintain the openshift-restclient-python / K8s modules
    • fabianvf took ownership of the project
    • chouseknecht gave him admin access to the repo
    • fabianvf stated that he will have time during each ASB sprint to work on maintaining the project
  • Submitting talks to any upcoming conferences
    • j00bar submitted to Kubecon
    • It was noted that we missed the windows for All Things Open
    • No other upcoming conferences in the near term
  • Any outstanding items preventing the 1.0.0 release
    • j00bar noted we should bump the version we're shipping in the Conductor images to latests CE release

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