AHP-OS is a php program package for the Analytic Hierarchy Process, a mathematical tool to support rational decision making. It is an online tool written in php with a web browser interface, where users can register, login and define their own decision hierarchies. Example: bpmsg.com/ahp
Php package (c) Klaus D Goepel, 2013-2024
- Flexible definition of decision hierarchies as text input, following a simple syntax with multi-language support using Unicode character coding,
- Weight calculation (hierarchy mode) and alternative evaluation (alternative mode) using the AHP eigenvector method,
- Pairwise comparison input, highlighting the top-3 most inconsistent judgments,
- Partial judgments,
- A posteriori application of different AHP judgment scales,
- Group decision making using weighted geometric mean aggregation of individual judgments (WGM-AIJ),
- Group consensus calculation based on Shannon α and β-entropy,
- Weight uncertainty estimation using Monte Carlo simulation,
- Sensitivity analysis,
- Weighted sum model (WSM) and weighted product model (WPM) for the aggregation of alternatives,
- Export of input and result data as comma separated value (CSV) files for further processing or presentation in a spreadsheet program,
- Export/Import of AHP-Projects and priorities as json text files.
- Group consensus cluster analysis (still experimental)
Currently language files for English, German, Spanish, Portugese Turkish
and Russian are included. They can be found in the sub-directory
with xx = en, de, es, pt, tr, ru.
In your http root directory:
git clone https://github.com/bpmsg/ahp-os.git ahp
Create a config.php
file, or duplicate the config-sample.php
in the includes
directory and rename it to config.php
Edit/modify includes/config.php
to set your database and mail
parameters. Set permission for config.php
to 640.
Run "composer install" to install dependencies.
As a database, either sqlite
or mysql
(MariaDB) can be
defined. If you expect to have less than hundred users, sqlite will
work fine. Using mysql
, create an empty database first.
Note: Please ensure that php PDO drivers are enabled.
You can check with phpinfo() under PDO, PDO support.
Run db/ahp-sql-create.php
to create the necessary tables and triggers.
AHP-OS is tested to run with PHP version 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4.9, sqlite 3.22 and 5.5.5-10.3.29-MariaDB.
Run your web browser and open http://your-web-root/ahp/
In order to use the package, you need to create a user account
by registering on the web interface.
A complete manual and quick reference guide can be found in the docs
folder. Mathematical background and details about the implementation
are published in:
Goepel, K.D. (2018). Implementation of an Online Software Tool for the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP-OS). International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Vol. 10 Issue 3 2018, pp 469-487, link
user is defined by the user id given in the config.php
file. The package allows to administer users. Users, not active over a
period of 90 days (can be set in includes/login/do/do-user-admin
), can be deactivated by the administrator and an
optional email with a reactivation link will be sent. If their account
is not activated within 48 hours (set with $daysNotActivated
the complete user account with all data can be deleted by the
Defined in config.php:
- WLMAX = 60 word length of nodes and leafs
- CRITMAX = 20 max. number of criteria per node
- ALTAHP = 20 number of alternatives
- SESSIONLMT = 50 number of projects per user
- NVAR = 1000 variaton of judgments (Monte Carlo)
Defined in class ahphier.php:
- TXT_MAX = 6000 characters defining the hierarchy
- NODE_CNT = 50 number of nodes
- LEAF_MAX = 100 number of leafs in the hierarchy
The working directory (ahp
) should be a subdirectory of
the web root directory.
|-- ahp.php (Main page)
|-- ahp-calc.php (AHP priority calculator)
|-- ahp-calc1.php
|-- ahp-cluster.php
|-- ahp-hierarchy.php (AHP hierarchies)
|-- ahp-hiercalc.php
|-- ahp-hiergini.php
|-- ahp-news.php (Latest news)
|-- ahp-alt.php
|-- ahp-alt1.php
|-- ahp-altcalc.php
|-- ahp-g-input.php
|-- ahp-group.php (AHP results)
|-- ahp-group-graph.php (diagram output)
|-- ahp-project-import.php (Import project from json file)
|-- ahp-session-admin.php (AHP project administration)
|-- ahp-user-recover.php (Recover user from a backup database)
|-- cl-graph (diagram output for ahp-cluster)
|-- maintenance.php
|-- index.php (entry page)
|-- composer.json
|-- classes-\
| AhpCalc (Eigenvector of DM)
| AhpCalcIo (extends AhpCalc, html/csv i/o)
| AhpCluster.php (group consensus cluster analysis)
| AhpColors (html coloring)
| AhpDb (database functions)
| AhpGroup (group result calculation)
| AhpHier (Decision hierarchies)
| AhpHierAlt (extends AhpHier for alternatives)
| (JsCheck) by Gustav Eklundh
| PhpUtil (General functions)
| WebHtml (header/footer for html output)
|-- db -\
| ahp_os.db (sqlite database when used)
| ahp-sql-create (for installation only,
| generates sql tables & triggers)
| (config.php to be generated by user)
| config-sample.php (Sample configuration file)
| footer.html
| header.html
| showCaptcha.php
| showCaptchaTxt.php
| style.css (style sheet)
| fonts --- times_new_yorker.ttf
| |
| |--login ------AhpAdmin (class, extends LoginAdmin)
| | form.donations
| (phpgraphlib) form.edit
|-- docs form.login-hl
| form.newdon
|-- images -- AHP-icon form.registration
| ahp-os-icon form.UserAdminMenu
| Login.php (class)
|--js -- ahp-group LoginAdmin.php (class, extends Login)
| ahp-session-admin LoginDE/EN/ES/PT (language texts)
| btnred Registration.php (class)
| cfm |
| cfmdef \
| delcfm do -do-dbIntegrity
| lvecfm do-donor-admin
| sh-part do-edit
| webFont do-log
| letmein do-register
| jQuery.3.6.0 do-reset-pw
| do-user-admin (user administr.)
|--language -- de/en -- AhpCalcXX, AhpDbXX, AhpXX, AhpGroupXX
| es/pt AhpGroupResXX, AhpHierarchyXX,
| tr/ru AhpHierXX, AhpHierginiXX, AhpNewsXX,
|--views (html menus) AhpPrioCalcXX, AhpSessionAdminXX
|--vendor (will contain phpMailer)
The source code includes the source of a modified phpgraphlib
Elliott Brueggeman and jscheck
by Gustav Eklundh to check, whether
JavaScript is enabled for the browser. PHPMailer
in the vendor
directory is used for email sending.
There are 6 tables in the database, 4 of them to store ahp data:
- users: user data
- projects: project data
- pwc: pairwise comparisons of participants
- alternatives: ahp alternative names
users user_id (primary, ai)
user_name unique,
projects project_id (primary, ai),
project_sc (unique),
project_author (foreign key users,user_name)
pwc project_sc (foreign key projects.project_sc)
pwc_id (primary, ai)
alternatives project_sc (foreign key projects.project_sc)
audit a_id (primary, ai)
donations tr_no (primary, ai)
In the audit table entries are triggered by user and admin actions:
a_trg a_act (activity)
U User login
Failed login
User activated
User deactivated
Change of remember me token
New user name
Change of user email
Password change
Password reset
I New user registration
D User deleted
Clean audit table will delete all "Other" entries.
The work is published under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.
2022-01-28 - First version added to svn
2022-02-17 - Import/Export function for projects added
ToDo: translation, move menu to views
2022-03-01 - Group consensus cluster analysis added (experimental)
2023-12-30 - Turkish translation, text field lenth for criteria set to 99
2024-06-28 - Russian translation added