extensions Public
Forked from raycast/extensionsEverything you need to extend Raycast.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJan 14, 2025 -
boto3 Public
Forked from boto/boto3AWS SDK for Python
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 17, 2023 -
imposter Public
Forked from imposter-project/imposter-jvm-engineScriptable, multipurpose mock server.
Java UpdatedAug 19, 2021 -
moto Public
Forked from getmoto/motoA library that allows you to easily mock out tests based on AWS infrastructure.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 19, 2021 -
python-lambdarest Public
Forked from sloev/python-lambdarestFlask like web framework for AWS Lambda
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 27, 2021 -
aws-toolkit-azure-devops Public
Forked from aws/aws-toolkit-azure-devopsAWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps
TypeScript Other UpdatedDec 9, 2020 -
CURdashboard Public
CURdashboard is an automated, extendable and configurable AWS customer usage report analyzer (CUR)
gopass-alfred Public
Forked from gopasspw/gopass-alfredGopass Alfred 3 Workflow
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 3, 2020 -
saml2aws Public
Forked from Versent/saml2awsCLI tool which enables you to login and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using a SAML IDP
Go MIT License UpdatedJul 4, 2019 -
simplebeerservice Public
Forked from awslabs/simplebeerserviceSimple Beer Service (SBS) is a cloud-connected kegerator that streams live sensor data to AWS.
parquet-go Public
Forked from xitongsys/parquet-goGolang version of Read/Write parquet file
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 28, 2017 -
DBRdashboard Public
Automated Detailed Billing Record Analysis using AWS Athena, Cloudwatch, EC2 Spot and ASG scheduled scaling
csv2parquet Public
Forked from redsymbol/csv2parquetCreate Parquet files from CSV
Python UpdatedJun 28, 2017 -
aws-codedeploy-samples Public
Forked from aws-samples/aws-codedeploy-samplesSamples and template scenarios for AWS CodeDeploy
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 5, 2017 -
varnishAutoScalingCluster Public
Repo to host code and instructions for setting up a shared, horizontally scalable Varnish "cluster" which can scale up and down using AWS auto-scale-groups
alfred-pass Public
Forked from CGenie/alfred-passAlfred 2 workflow for pass
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 29, 2016 -
ec2FleetCompare Public
Small go command line tool to determine the cheapest instance types based on fleet size, and minimum cpu, memory and network requirements
ecsSpotFleet Public
Code to initiate a spotFleet request for an ECS cluster which dynamically adjusts capacity and spins up a on-demand ASG if required
weatherService Public
An example micro-service to fetch a summary of the weather given a lat/long input. Written in Go using go-kit, and written to test AWS ECS.