This repository includes a boilerplate project used for all Seedstars Labs applications. It uses Django as backend and React as frontend.
We build on the shoulders of giants with the following technologies:
- React
- React Router Declarative routing for React
- Babel for ES6 and ES7 magic
- Webpack for bundling
- Webpack Dev Middleware
- Clean Webpack Plugin
- Redux Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- Redux Dev Tools DevTools for Redux with hot reloading, action replay, and customizable UI. Watch Dan Abramov's talk
- Redux Thunk Thunk middleware for Redux - used in async actions
- React Router Redux Ruthlessly simple bindings to keep react-router and redux in sync
- fetch A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill
- tcomb form Forms library for react
- style-loader, sass-loader and less-loader to allow import of stylesheets in plain css, sass and less,
- font-awesome-webpack to customize FontAwesome
- bootstrap-loader to customize Bootstrap
- ESLint, Airbnb Javascript/React Styleguide, Airbnb CSS / Sass Styleguide to maintain a consistent code style and eslint-plugin-import to make sure all imports are correct
- mocha to allow writing unit tests for the project
- Enzyme JavaScript Testing utilities for React
- redux-mock-store a mock store for your testing your redux async action creators and middleware
- expect Write better assertions
- Nock HTTP mocking and expectations library
- istanbul to generate coverage when running mocha
- Django
- Django REST framework Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs
- Django REST Knox Token based authentication for API endpoints
- WhiteNoise to serve files efficiently from Django
- Prospector a complete Python static analysis tool
- Bandit a security linter from OpenStack Security
- pytest a mature full-featured Python testing tool
- Mock mocking and testing Library
- Responses a utility for mocking out the Python Requests library
- If the command line starts with $, the command should run with user privileges
- If the command line starts with #, the command should run with root privileges
$ git clone
$ cd django-react-redux-base
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ ./scripts/
Remember that when you copy this repository for a new project you need to add the scripts external module using:
$ git submodule add scripts
NOTE: This is only needed in case you copy this code to a new project. If you only clone or fork the repository, the submodule is already configured
We use Docker as a development environment. For production, we leave you to set it up the way you feel better, although it is trivial to extrapolate a production environment from the current docker-compose.yml.
- Install Docker and Docker Compose.
$ docker-compose build
Run Docker development server
$ docker-compose up
Stop Docker development server
$ docker-compose stop
Stop Docker development server and remove containers and data
$ docker-compose down
You can access shell in a container
$ docker exec -i -t <CONTAINER_NAME_OR_ID> /bin/bash
$ docker ps # get the name from the list of running containers
$ docker exec -i -t djangoreactreduxbase_frontend_1 /bin/bash
The database can be accessed @localhost:5433
$ psql -h localhost -p 5433 -U djangoreactredux djangoreactredux_dev
To make sure the code respects all coding guidelines you should run the statics analysis and test scripts before pushing any code.
Frontend (javascript tests)
$ ./scripts/
Backend (django/python tests)
$ docker exec -i -t djangoreactreduxbase_backend_1 /bin/bash scripts/
Frontend (javascript static analysis)
$ ./scripts/
Backend (django/python static analysis)
$ docker exec -i -t djangoreactreduxbase_backend_1 /bin/bash scripts/
Here are some screenshots of the boilerplate project.
- This project uses NodeJS v6.x (stable) and the corresponding version of npm
- The npm development server takes longer than the django server to start, as it has to install the npm dependencies (if not already installed) and fire webpack. This means that after the django server starts, you should wait that webpack finishes compiling the .js files.
- If your IDE has builtin language support for python with auto-imports (e.g. PyCharm), you can create a virtualenv and install the py-requirements.
- If you are annoyed by docker creating files belonging to root (which is Docker's intended behaviour), you can run
# chown -hR $(whoami) .
before firing up the server. - While testing the backend, if you have a local virtualenv, you can run the static validation without running a docker container.
- While testing the backend, if you have a local virtualenv and a local database configured with the dev settings, you can run the tests without running a docker container.
We welcome contributions from the community, given that they respect these basic guidelines:
- All Tests & Static Analysis passing;
- 100% code coverage;
Prior to any pull-request, we advise to open an issue. This is because, although we are happy to merge your code, we must make sure the changes don't impact our way of doing things, thus resulting on a declined PR, and your time wasted.
If you want to tackle any open issue, well..... Just go for it! :)