This code is experimental and a work in progress - please do not ask for it to be included in Tasmota at this time.
You are welcome to test, but in order to do this you need to be able to compile Tasmota.
Once you can do this you can add the file: https://github.com/andrethomas/I2cRotaryEncoder/blob/master/Tasmota%20Driver/xsns_92_I2cRotary.ino to the /tasmota/ source code folder which will allow it to be included during compilation.
activate the Driver within your User_Config_Override.h with (it won't work if your "Use_I2C" is deactivated, too. For making a minimal Firmware for OTA):
#define USE_I2C_ROTARY
The rotary encoder needs only the Arduino sketch: https://github.com/andrethomas/I2cRotaryEncoder/blob/master/I2CRotaryEncoder/I2CRotaryEncoder.ino
This needs to be flashed to an Arduino UNO, Arduino Pro-Mini, or compatible and then connected via I2C bus to the ESP8266 on which the Tasmota firmware is running.
- Implement PWM support on at least one PWM capable output pin
- Implement zero cross detection so that PWM can also be used for AC dimming.