Archiving in favour of the new section on the Sway Wiki:
Curated list of tools/scripts/etc to improve your
- bemenu - dmenu replacement with Wayland support
- gmenu - terminal and GTK app launcher
- lavalauncher - launcher panel
- sgtk-menu - GTK app launcher
- wlogout - logout menu
- wofi - rofi replacement with Wayland support
- waybar - highly customisable status bar
- workstyle - autorename your workspaces in your bar to look nice
- autotiling - automatically switch between splith/splitv
- azote - wallpaper manager
- grim - take screenshots
- imv - image viewer
- mako - notification daemon
- slurp - region selector (handy for grim)
- swaynagmode - wrapper for swaynag providing keyboard support
- swayvnc - VNC server
- sway-alttab - provides alt-tab support for switching to last focused window
- wob - overlayable progress bar
- i3keys - displays all keys that have been bound in your sway config
- kanshi - dynamic display configuration
- ydotool - xdotool replacement with Wayland support
- wev - a tool for debugging events on a Wayland window, analagous to the X11 tool xev.
- wl-gammctl - GUI app to set contrast, brightness and gamma
- wl-clipboard - command-line Wayland clipboard utility that lets you easily copy data between the clipboard and Unix pipes, sockets, files and so on.