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###Purpose XMAX waveform display for .seed files

###Configuration The main configuration is found in config.xml. File is under source control where user can change system paths accordingly

######Data Setup

Wildcarded mask of data files to load (when no cmd line args given):
Temporary directory to store decompressed traces in the internal format:
Quality control data file:
Station data file extras (events, station info, multiplexed data, picks):

######View Setup

Show big cursor, status bar, buttons:
Panel order and count (trace, network, station, channel):


######Ant Setup/Execution

Ant commands to clean, compile and package xmax (uses build.xml)
    ant jar		# create distribution xmax.jar (default target)
    ant run		# run java com.isti.xmax.XMAX from /build dir
Ant target descriptions (order of operations)
    ant clean_build 	-> delete build/ directory
    ant init			-> create build/ directory 
    ant build-plugins	-> compile java plugins/ code
    ant create-manifest -> create META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 
    ant compile			-> compile java src/ code to build/ directory
    ant libraries		-> add lib/ and plugins/ to build/ directory
    ant jar				-> create distribution xmax.jar (default target)
    ant javadoc			-> create javadoc web code


######Basic Execution Display

No arguments specified (reads data from resources/DATA in config.xml):
    java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar xmax.jar
Read data files found on path (-d option):
    java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar xmax.jar -d '/xs0/seed/IU_ANMO/2012/2012_1{59,60}_*/00_LHZ*seed'
Read serialized data from resources/DATA_TEMP specified in config.xml (-t option):
    java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar xmax.jar -t
Read serialized data from resources/DATA_TEMP AND from dataPath (-t -d options):
    java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar xmax.jar -t -d '/xs0/seed/IU_ANMO/2012/2012_1{59,60}_*/00_LHZ*seed'

######Basic Execution Serial Dump

Read any data files found in resources/DATA and dump serialized data into resources/DATA_TEMP (-T option):
(**NOTE: This will wipe out any existing serialized data in resources/DATA_TEMP)
    java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar xmax.jar -T
Read data files found on path and dump serialized data in resources/DATA_TEMP (-T -d options):
(**NOTE: This will wipe out any existing serialized data in resources/DATA_TEMP)
    java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar xmax.jar -T -d '/xs0/seed/IU_ANMO/2012/2012_1{59,60}_*/00_LHZ*seed'
Same as above but ALSO read existing serialized data in resources/DATA_TEMP (-T -d -t options):
(**NOTE: This will APPEND new serialized data to that already in resources/DATA_TEMP)
    java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar xmax.jar -T -t -d '/xs0/seed/IU_ANMO/2012/2012_1{59,60}_*/00_LHZ*seed'
Explicitly pointing to a file (default is ./
    java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:./src/ -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar xmax.jar -d '/xs0/seed/IU_ANMO/2012/2012_1{59,60}_*/00_LHZ*seed'

######Basic Execution in Eclipse

Eclipse reads seed files from config DataMask at runtime (config.xml):
    <!-- Default DataMask path -->
    <!-- User DataMask examples --> 


XMAX waveform display







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