goinstall github.com/alloy-d/goauth
import (
func someFuncThatDoesStuffWithOAuth() (err os.Error) {
o := new (oauth.OAuth)
o.ConsumerKey = "key"
o.ConsumerSecret = "secret"
o.Callback = "callback"
o.RequestTokenURL = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token"
o.OwnerAuthURL = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize"
o.AccessTokenURL = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token"
err = o.GetRequestToken()
if err != nil { return }
url, err := o.AuthorizationURL()
if err != nil { return }
// somehow send user to url...
var verifier string
// somehow get verifier (or "PIN")...
err = o.GetAccessToken(verifier)
if err != nil { return }
err = o.Save(os.Getenv("HOME") + "/.simple_example.oauth")
response, err := o.Post(
map[string]string{"status": "Just did a little OAuth dance!"})
if err != nil { return }
// do stuff with response...
return nil
This is still a bit of a work in progress. The interface is subject to change (and become prettier), but I think it's mostly done.
It is probably obvious that it's rough around the edges in spots. Please let me know if anything's broken.