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The Alibaba Cloud SDK for Node.js allows you to access Alibaba Cloud services such as Elastic Compute Service (ECS), Server Load Balancer (SLB), and CloudMonitor. You can access Alibaba Cloud services without the need to handle API related tasks, such as signing and constructing your requests.
OpenAPI Developer Portal provides the ability to call the cloud product OpenAPI online, and dynamically generate SDK Example code and quick retrieval interface, which can significantly reduce the difficulty of using the cloud API.
You must install the SDK with npm
, such as:
npm install @alicloud/iot-2017-04-20
At the beginning, you need to sign up for an Alibaba Cloud account and retrieve your Credentials.
const IotClient = require('@alicloud/iot-2017-04-20');
async function demo() {
const client = new IotClient({
endpoint: '******',
accessKeyId: 'your access key id',
accessKeySecret: 'your access key secret'
const res = await client.applyDeviceWithNames({
DeviceName: 'demo',
ProductKey: 'your publick key'
The standard SDK is the SDK that is automatically generated with the OpenAPI information, which corresponding to the OpenAPI that is provided by the Alibaba Cloud POP gateway.
The core SDK implements the basic signature function. The OpenAPI which POP gateway provided can be called through the core SDK. Users who use the core SDK should care about the OpenAPI information of the product and pass the parameters themselves.
The Extension SDK is an SDK that is automatically generated with the OpenAPI metadata. Following are the generated product SDKs:
If the cloud product you need is provided by the POP gateway, but the product or version you need does not exist in the above product list, please open [issue](https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-openapi- Nodejs-sdk/issues/new), tell us the product name and version you needed, we will generate it and published to the NPM.
The custom SDK is the OpenAPI not exposed by the POP gateway. Due to the special logic, it isn't suitable for the POP gateway. So we can't generate SDK automatically, and the OpenAPI metadata is provided by the products themselves or third parties.
Custom SDK list:
Product Name | Version | NPM Package | Reference |
FC(function compute) | 2016-08-15 | @alicloud/fc | https://github.com/aliyun/fc-nodejs-sdk |
OSS(object storage service) | ali-oss | https://github.com/ali-sdk/ali-oss |
If the product you needed is not in the above list, please open an [issue] (https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-openapi-nodejs-sdk/issues/new) and we will provide it as soon as possible.
Opening an Issue, Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
You can visit the API and its parameters in Product List