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Installation Windows (Apache)

Munir Njiru edited this page Apr 8, 2016 · 3 revisions

#Installation on Windows This tutorial will cover installation on a windows machine running XAMPP. The current installed versions of server software are:

 + Apache 2.4.4
 + PHP 5.5.9 (VC11 X86 32bit thread safe) + PEAR 

After going through the Webserver Configuration, the setup will be as below, as this is apache 2 the file to edit was :


Webserver Configuration

Downloading the Software

Download the latest version of the Software from the github repository. i.e.

Extract these files to the web root. The default web root for xampp on windows is :


You may install this in the web root or install it in a sub folder. For the purposes of this tutorial we will install in a subfolder called mth. i.e.


Configuring the install

After Extracting the files in this folder, The first thing is giving the right permissions to the folders. Rightclick on them and ensure setting is as below for the folders listed.


Configure Right Permissions If installed in the web root you are done with what you need to do. If you have it installed in a subfolder e.g. C:\xampp\htdocs\mth in our case . One more step. Edit .htaccess by uncommenting out the line with RewriteBase to reflect the root path for the application, this will be as shown below

Configure Htaccess

First Run

Next Load the site on the address bar e.g.

To login assuming our URL is the administration portal will be :

The default credentials are :

username: mth3l3m3nt
password: mth3l3m3nt

Successful Installation should give you a dashboard as below and you may start using the framework .

Successful Installation

Note: By Default the framework utilises the JIG database that is a flat file however if you love RDBMS it supports MySQL, MSSQL and PostgreSQL . This can be switched in the settings.