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Road Runner - Find the quickest path across America!

Road Runner will help you find the quickest path from Landmark to Landmark in America! With quick responses and multiple reponse formats, Road Runner is here to help!

What Is Road Runner?

Road Runner isn’t just an algorithm, it's your personal helper. Powered by advanced algorithms, Road Runner navigates the roads between landmarks, providing accurately and efficiently the quickest paths.

Meet The Team

Picture Name Role Links
Emilien CHINSY Project manager LinkedIn GitHub
Paul NOWAK Program manager LinkedIn GitHub
Thibaud MARLIER Tech lead LinkedIn GitHub
Ian LAURENT Software engineer LinkedIn GitHub
Clémentine CUREL Quality assurance LinkedIn GitHub
Laurent BOUQUIN Tech writer LinkedIn GitHub

Links to the documentation:


Project Management

Quality Assurance

User Manual

If you just want to use Road Runner and not modify it.

If you are someone who justs wants to Road Runner here is how you do it!

  1. Go to the release tab on our github.

  2. Look at the latest release and follow the instructions over there.

How to download Road Runner?

Maybe you want to read or modify the code, here is how you do it:

  1. Download the project:

    1. Open your terminal.

      • For Windows:

        • Type the windows+R keys, type cmd and press enter.
      • For MacOS:

        • Type the command+space keys, type terminal and press enter.
    2. Clone this repository by typing git clone

    3. Type cd 2024-2025-project-3-quickest-path-team-4 to get into the project's directory.

  2. Check if everything was installed correctly:

    1. Still in the terminal, type cd src to get into the source folder.

    2. Make sure there is a .csv files in the src folder.

How to run the program:

To directly run a road runner server from your computer:

  1. Install all the required software:

  2. Open your terminal:

    • For Windows:
      • Type the windows+R keys, type cmd and press enter.
    • For macOS:
      • Type the command+space keys, type terminal and press enter.
  3. Navigate to the right folder:

    • For Windows:

      1. Open file explorer.

      2. Navigate to the folder in which the server.cpp file is located.

      3. copy the file path located on the top of file explorer.

      4. In the terminal, type: cd "thefilepathyoujustcopied".

      Note: Make sure to include quotes around the path if it contains spaces.

    • For macOS:

      1. Open Finder.

      2. Navigate to the folder containing the server.cpp file.

      3. Right-click the folder name at the top of Finder (or use `Control + Click) and select "Copy as Pathname".

      4. In the terminal, type: cd "thefilepathyoujustcopied".

  4. Compile and run the code:

    • For Windows:

      1. In the terminal, type: clang++ -std=gnu++20 -O3 -I../boost_1_82_0 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS server.cpp algorithm.cpp loading.cpp -o server.exe -lws2_32.

      2. Then type .\server.exe.

      3. Road Runner is now ready to go from your machine!

    • For macOS:

      1. In the terminal, type: clang++ -std=gnu++20 -O3 -I../boost_1_82_0 server.cpp algorithm.cpp loading.cpp -o server -lpthread.

      2. Then type ./server.

      3. Road Runner is now ready to go from your machine!

How to use Road Runner?

Road Runner is available anywhere!

  1. Connect to the same wifi:

    • Be connected to the same wifi as Road Runner's server.
  2. Open your terminal:

    • For Windows:
      • Type the windows+R keys, type cmd and press enter.
    • For macOS:
      • Type the command+space keys, type terminal and press enter.
  3. Move to the client's folder:

    • in the terminal, type `cd "thepathtotheclientfile"
  4. Compile and run the client:

    • for Windows:

      1. compile the client by writing this in your terminal: clang++ -std=gnu++20 -O3 -I../boost_1_82_0 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS clientWindows.cpp -o client.exe -lws2_32
      2. run the client by writing this in your terminal: .\client.exe
    • for macOS:

      1. compile the client by writing this in your terminal: clang++ -std=gnu++20 -O3 -I../boost_1_82_0 clientMac.cpp -o client -lpthread
      2. run the client by writing this in your terminal : ./client
  5. Type your start and end point:

    • Give Road Runner the ID's of the starting and ending landmark.
  6. Choose your results format:

    • Type 1 to get your results in JSON format or 2 to get your results in XML format.