This is a Traefik Basic Auth Plugin using Kuzzle as authentication provider.
One authentication system to rule them all 😎
Kuzzle offer a complex and fine-grained RBAC authentication system, why do not use it everywhere?
⚠️ At this time, Traefik Plugin system is still an experimental feature use it with caution. You can freeze your Traefik version to increase stability if you want to use this plugin on a real world use case
- A valid Traefik Pilot token for your Traefik instance.
- A running Kuzzle server in which one or more users are configured.
You can found a demonstration Docker Compose file (docker-compose.demo.yml
) in the repository root.
TRAEFIK_PILOT_TOKEN="xxxx" docker-compose -f docker-compose.demo.yml up -d
This will launch:
- A complete Kuzzle stack (Kuzzle, Elasticsearch and Redis containers).
- A Traefik instance with dashboard and latest released plugin version enabled and only available using
Kuzzle user - A
instance available using bothadmin
Kuzzle users
Once all containers are started and healthy, you can use the Kuzzle Admin Console to create your users (admin
and developer
Declare it in the Traefik configuration:
token: "xxxx"
version: v0.1.0
token = "xxxx"
moduleName = ""
version = "v0.1.0"
customRealm: "Use a valid Kuzzle user to authenticate" # optional
url: "http://localhost:7512" # required
routes: # optional
login: /_login/local
getCurrentUser: /_me # With Kuzzle v1 you must use '/users/_me'
allowedUsers: # optional
- admin
- developer
customRealm = "Use a valid Kuzzle user to authenticate" # optional
url = "http://localhost:7512" # required
allowedUsers = ["admin", "developer"] # optional
[middlewares.your-well-named-middleware.plugin.traefik-kuzzle-auth.kuzzle.routes] # optional
login = "/_login/local"
getCurrentUser = "/_me" # With Kuzzle v1 you must use '/users/_me'
Docker Compose Labels
- "traefik.http.middlewares.your-well-named-middleware.plugin.traefik-kuzzle-auth.customRealm=Use a valid Kuzzle user to authenticate" # optional
- "traefik.http.middlewares.your-well-named-middleware.plugin.traefik-kuzzle-auth.kuzzle.url=http://kuzzle:7512" # required
- "traefik.http.middlewares.your-well-named-middleware.plugin.traefik-kuzzle-auth.kuzzle.routes.login=/_login/local" # optional
- "traefik.http.middlewares.your-well-named-middleware.plugin.traefik-kuzzle-auth.kuzzle.routes.getCurrentUser=/_me" # With Kuzzle v1 you must use '/users/_me' (optional)
- "traefik.http.middlewares.your-well-named-middleware.plugin.traefik-kuzzle-auth.kuzzle.allowedUsers=admin,developer" # optional
You can found a development Docker Compose file (
) in the repository root.
TRAEFIK_PILOT_TOKEN="xxxx" docker-compose -f up -d
This will launch:
- A complete Kuzzle stack (Kuzzle, Elasticsearch and Redis containers).
- A Traefik instance with dashboard and latest released plugin version enabled and only available using
Kuzzle user - A
instance available using bothadmin
Kuzzle users
Once all containers are started and healthy, you can use the Kuzzle Admin Console to create your users (admin
and developer
- Users greenlisting
- Profiles greenlisting
- Kuzzle API Key authentication
New ideas are welcome, feel free to fill out an issue and let's discuss it 😉
Kuzzle is a generic backend offering the basic building blocks common to every application.
Rather than developing the same standard features over and over again each time you create a new application, Kuzzle proposes them off the shelf, allowing you to focus on building high-level, high-value business functionalities.
Kuzzle enables you to build modern web applications and complex IoT networks in no time.
- API First: use a standardised multi-protocol API.
- Persisted Data: store your data and perform advanced searches on it.
- Realtime Notifications: use the pub/sub system or subscribe to database notifications.
- User Management: login, logout and security rules are no more a burden.
- Extensible: develop advanced business feature directly with the integrated framework.
- Client SDKs: use our SDKs to accelerate the frontend development.