Fluent Regular Expressions in golang is a port of https://github.com/selvinortiz/flux by Selvin Ortiz
- golang
- Created and Tested with Version 1.4.2
Flux is available via go get github.com/alexanderbartels/flux
This simple example illustrates the way you would use flux and it's fluent interface to build complex patterns.
package main
import (
func main() {
// create the regex
regex := flux.NewFlux().StartOfLine().Find("http").Maybe("s").Then("://").Maybe("www.").AnythingBut(".").Either(".co", ".com", ".de").IgnoreCase().EndOfLine()
// print the created regex
fmt.Println("Regex: ", regex.String())
// or
fmt.Println("Regex: ", regex)
// The subject string (URL)
subject := 'http://www.selvinortiz.com';
// Match
match, _ := regex.Match("http://selvinortiz.com")
if match {
// Replace
repl := regex.Replace("http://selvinortiz.com", "$5$6")
if repl == "selvinortiz.com" {
fmt.Println("Replacement ok")
For other examples, please see the flux_test.go file.
Flux is released under the MIT license
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- Branching, Changelog, Versioning / using semver