This repo contains numerical routines written in Fortran. I draw from a number of sources and give proper acknoledgments. If you see that something is not cited properly, please let me know and I will rectify the situation immediately.
I tested the code with the Intel Fortran compiler on a Windows machine. Navigate to the folder where the source files are located. In order to compile the code and create an executable, type the following:
ifort mod_numerical.f90 mytest.f90 -o run.exe
This generates a Windows executable called run.exe. To run the code, type:
Alternatively, one can use Visual Studio which is a nice IDE for Fortran on Windows.
Some of the programs use a toolbox that accompanies the excellent textbook
- "Fehr and Kindermann (2018), Introduction to Computational Economics Using Fortran, Oxford University Press."
Fehr and Kindermann's toolbox is available here:
This code may contain bugs and errors. Pull requests and suggestions are more than welcome.