This project is a part of an anti-ballistic missile system. The purpose is to determine whether an interceptor will launch or not to intercept an incoming anti-ballistic missile.
The code works by determining whether an interceptor will launch or not based on planar data points and Launch Interceptor Conditions (LIC's).
The code is written in Java and uses maven for building, for testing we use JUnit5.
To build the code, run mvn clean install
in the root directory of the project. This will compile the code, run the tests, and package the code into a jar file inside of the target
To just run the tests, run mvn test
in the root directory of the project.
The main file can be found in /src/main/java/org/dd2480/
All the unit tests can be found in /src/test/java/org/dd2480/
- Implemented lic3, lic4, lic6 and lic10
- Implemented triangle-area
- Wrote report
- Implemented lic1, lic8 and lic13
- Implemented function to to determine if a set can be obtained (or on) a circle
- Implemented lic0, lic7 and lic12
- Wrote README file
- Implemented lic2, lic5, lic9 and lic11
- Implemented function to calculate angle formed by 3 points.