Releases: ais-one/cookbook
Releases · ais-one/cookbook
Version 0.6.11
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [js-node/expressjs] Breaking Change on configs
- use .env file for configs, move configs from
- move .env files into apps/[app-template] folder
- Mongo DB config format change, change ObjectID to ObjectId
- MONGO_OPTIONS, UPLOAD_STATIC change in format and processing
- fixed jest tests
- use .env file for configs, move configs from
- [js-web/vue-vite]
- remove cypress and use playwright (also renamed document from to
- add useMediaQuery hook
- [@es-labs/node] Breaking Change on configs
- remove bullmq
- [js-web/react-admin] Moved to new repo
- [js-node/nest-admin] Moved to new repo
Version 0.6.10
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
Also includes the Version 0.6.9 changes below
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [js-web/vue-vite] integrate to js-web/vue-vite
- [js-web/vue-vite] update firebase messaging from 8 to 9, fix PN bugs and improve PN test on UI
- [js-node/expressjs] update firebase messaging from 8 to 9, fix PN bugs
- [chore] add sri and crossorigin to scripts - bigskysoftware/htmx#261 (comment)
- [js-node/expressjs] fix eslint 8.0.0 errors (remove babel-eslint package)
- [js-node/expressjs] update documentation on VS Code plugins REST Client and MongoDB for VS Code
- [js-node/expressjs] added playground file for MongoDB for VS Code
- [js-node/wip] removed
project (very outdated), up-to-date example is injs-node/expressjs
project - [react-nestjs] moved projects into
folders as appropriate - [js-web/lucia] removed can use petite-vue instead
- [chore] migration to node 16 and npm 8, update docs
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [js-web/vue-vite] make cypress work with cicd, start-server-and-test
- [backend-saml] test node-saml library without passport, implement test route /api/saml/test, you can see how to generate auth url and parse response in the code
- [backend-saml] remediate - node-saml/node-saml#21
- [js-node/expressjs] streaming file download, create pdf, download pdf
- [react-nestjs]
- [react-nestjs/react-admin] React + TS example from, to keep updating and further develop
- [react-nestjs/nest-admin] NestJS example from, to keep updating and further develop
- [feat] removed husky, use git-hooks directly instead
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [js-node/expressjs] minor breaking change. auth callback delimiter from '-' to ';' because '-' can be found in jwt token ( and delimiting using '-' can be wrong, use ';' as it can be used in url hash ( and is not in jwt token
- [js-node/wip/k8s] moved to [docs]
- [js-web/vue-vite] minor config change VITE_SAML_URL and VITE_CALLBACK_URL to use full URL paths, simplify saml call, @es-labs/esm/saml.js REMOVED
- [js-web/vue-vite] improve structure for deployment of multiple apps
- [chore] add fido2 spa sample in [js-node/expressjs], clean up ssr example from [js-node/wip/fido2]
- [js-web/vue-vite] fix login & logout add loading spinner
- [js-web/vue-vite] cypress e2e testing
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [js-web/vue-vite] make it configurable
- [js-web/vue-vite] improve logged-in layout and scrollbar when overflow
- [js-node/scaled-ws] scale websockets
- [js-node/expressjs] moved jobs and uploads folder to template application, add JOB_PATH config for jobs, so path to jobs can be specified
- [chore] clean up code based on sonarcloud issues
Version 0.6.4
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- @es-labs/node allow options to be passed in also, currently uses global.CONFIG through (@es-labs/node/config)
- @es-labs/node/services/websocket.js add onClientConnect function
- breaking changes
- @es-labs/node/auth - convert to class
- @es-labs/node/services/redis.js - move to @es-labs/node/services/db/redis.js
- @es-labs/node/services/keyv.js - move to @es-labs/node/services/db/keyv.js
- @es-labs/node/services/db - convert to class, allow multiple connections
- @es-labs/node/services/webpush.js - add setup function, move to @es-labs/node/services/comms/webpush.js
- @es-labs/node/comms - add setup function
- @es-labs/node/services/gcp.js add setupStorage function
- js-node/expressjs/apps/app-template/config/secret/ - improve oauth configuration
- js-node/expressjs/router/saml.js - improve saml configuration, only have RelayState in query
- js-node/expressjs/router/saml.js - allow multiple connections, see also the table configs
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [chore] improve github workflow and documentation
- [js-web/vue-vite] add sentry when ready
- [fix] typeof xx === 'object' - handle if xx is null
- [js-node/expressjs] make deployment application specific also, moved deploy folder to js-node/expressjs/apps/app-template, migration and seeding, and GCP deployment config adjusted to address the folder location change
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [note] Folder renames - No breaking change except folder renames in docs and configs
- vue-nobundler to js-web/vue-nobundler
- vue-vite to js-web/vue-vite
- node-utils to node-daemons and remove node-utils
- node-daemons to js-node
- node-express to js-node/expressjs
- wip to js-node/wip
- [js-node/expressjs] add graphql sample code for simple CRUD (with graphiql queries & variables provided) sample
- [js-node/expressjs] improve shutdown / cleanup sample
- [js-web/vue-vite] add multi-page app example
- [js-node/expressjs] add sentry file
- [js-node/expressjs/public/demo-express] add sentry sample
- [chore] disable console.log at frontend @es-labs/esm/log-filter.js and sample