Repo for post-classification segmentation in mappingafrica project.
Instructions for launching segmenter
instances can be found here
Estes, L.D., Ye, S., Song, L., Luo, B., Eastman, J.R., Meng, Z., Zhang, Q., McRitchie, D., Debats, S.R., Muhando, J., Amukoa, A.H., Kaloo, B.W., Makuru, J., Mbatia, B.K., Muasa, I.M., Mucha, J., Mugami, A.M., Mugami, J.M., Muinde, F.W., Mwawaza, F.M., Ochieng, J., Oduol, C.J., Oduor, P., Wanjiku, T., Wanyoike, J.G., Avery, R. & Caylor, K. (2021) High resolution, annual maps of the characteristics of smallholder-dominated croplands at national scales. EarthArxiv
The primary support for this work was provided by Omidyar Network’s Property Rights Initiative, now PLACE. Computing support was provided by the AWS Cloud Credits for Research program and the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative.