- ArchLinux obviously.
- Nix home-manager to manage
user-centric programs (see
). - Chezmoi to manage dotfiles (see
dir). - Window Manager: dwm - see agjacome/dwm
- Shell: fish
- Terminal: alacritty
- Multiplexer: tmux
- Editor: neovim - see agjacome/nvimfiles
- Password manager: pass
$ curl -fsLS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/agjacome/dotfiles/master/bin/setup | bash -s -- profile
It may will not work for you. Read the code and figure out your own setup.
The main steps are:
$ git clone https://github.com/agjacome/dotfiles.git dotfiles
$ cd dotfiles
$ nix-shell --run "home-manager switch --impure --flake ./#profile"
$ chezmoi init --apply -S .