The HERE platform SBT BOM plugin provides a way to use Maven BOM (bill of materials) in SBT projects. The plugin features importing multiple BOM files to use as a source of dependency versions, automatically processing parent and dependent BOMs.
The HERE platform SBT BOM plugin is provided "as is" and is not officially a part of HERE Workspace or HERE Marketplace. While there is no official support by HERE, you may still raise issues via GitHub. We may be able to help.
This plugin is compatible with:
- sbt 1.3.0 or newer
The following text provides a step-by-step guide on how to import Jackson BOM into an sbt project.
Add the sbt-bom
plugin to plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-bom" % "1.0.14")
If you're encountering issues or using earlier versions, you might have to explicitly declare the Maven Central repository:
resolvers += Resolver.url(
Patterns("[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]") )
This will enable the project to access plugin files stored in Maven Central,
There are different ways to use the plugin depending on your use case.
If you want to get all the dependencies declared in the BOM and use their version to override yours.
Use the following setup in your build.sbt
// Declare the BOM
// Note the usage of Bom.dependencies method
lazy val jacksonDependencies = Bom.dependencies("com.fasterxml.jackson" % "jackson-bom" % "2.14.2")
lazy val `demo` = project
// Load the BOM
// Add all dependencies of the BOM in dependencyOverrides
dependencyOverrides ++= jacksonDependencies.key.value
If you want to:
- get all the dependencies declared in the BOM and use their version to override yours,
- also use the version of a BOM dependency explicitly
Use the following setup in your build.sbt
// Declare the BOM
// Note the usage of Bom.apply method
lazy val jacksonBom = Bom("com.fasterxml.jackson" % "jackson-bom" % "2.14.2")
lazy val `demo` = project
// Load the BOM
// Add some explicit dependencies
libraryDependencies += "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-core" % jacksonBom.key.value
// Add all dependencies of the BOM in dependencyOverrides
dependencyOverrides ++= jacksonBom.key.value.bomDependencies
In addition to the common usages described above, you can also use the BOM in a custom way thanks to
Example, in your build.sbt
// Declare the BOM and map it to a custom class
// Note the usage of method
lazy val jacksonDependencies ="com.fasterxml.jackson" % "jackson-bom" % "2.14.2")(bom => Dependencies(bom))
lazy val `demo` = project
// Load the BOM
// Add some explicit dependencies
libraryDependencies ++= jacksonDependencies.key.value.someDependencies
// Add all dependencies of the BOM in dependencyOverrides
dependencyOverrides ++= jacksonDependencies.key.value.allDependencies
And in a project/Dependencies.scala
import sbt._
case class Dependencies(bom: Bom) {
val someDependencies: Seq[ModuleID] = Seq(
"com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-core" % bom
val allDependencies: Seq[ModuleID] = bom.bomDependencies
The following text explains how to access password-protected repositories, specifically the HERE platform repository, using a file with credentials.
For accessing password-protected repositories, such as the HERE platform repository, you need to create a file with credentials at ~/.sbt/.credentials
with the following content:
realm=Artifactory Realm
user=<your used id>
password=<top secret password>
The user name and password can be retrieved as described in the Get your repository credentials tutorial.
Then include the credentials in build.sbt
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".sbt" / ".credentials")
and include the HERE platform repository resolver:
ThisBuild / resolvers += (
"HERE Platform Repository" at ""
Now the project is configured to use BOM files from a password-protected repository. For example, sdk-batch-bom
can be used.
lazy val sdkBom ="" %% "sdk-batch-bom" % "2.57.3")(bom => Dependencies(bom))
The credentials can be supplied through these methods, with the following precedence:
- By passing the command line parameter
. - Via the environment variable
. - By creating the file
in your home directory. - By creating the file
in your home directory.
If your project packaging fails, you can examine the plugin debug logs using the following commands:
sbt package
sbt last
This sequence of commands will print all the logs generated during packaging to the console.
- Evgenii Kuznetcov (
- Oleksandr Vyshniak (
- Andrii Banias (
- Anton Wilhelm (
- Dmitry Abramov (
- Gaël Jourdan-Weil (
Copyright (C) 2019-2024 HERE Europe B.V.
Unless otherwise noted in LICENSE
files for specific files or directories, the LICENSE in the root applies to all content in this repository.