A webpage for servers containing ABRT's services
The main purpose of this webpage is to provide some user-friendly welcome page on servers on which ABRT's services are running e.g (FAF or Retrace server).
This page should present information about ABRT and our services, tools and libraries.
Test-running this webpage locally:
$ git clone https://github.com/abrt/abrt-server-info-page.git
$ cd abrt-server-info-page
$ export FLASK_APP=abrt_server_info_page.py
$ flask run
Now click the link the flask provided you and you should see the page in your browser.
Deploying this webpage:
Easiest way is to build a rpm package and install it:
$ tito build --rpm -i
Without building you need to distribute files manually:
$ cp config/abrt-server-info-page.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/
$ cp -r ../abrt-server-info-page/ /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
You will probably need to restart Apache.