What's Changed
- Update version for 9.1.0-preview by @skoc10 in #21007
- Change dotnetRunMessages to bool for launchSettings.json by @wangj90 in #20847
- Bump AsyncKeyedLock to 7.0.2 by @MarkCiliaVincenti in #21067
- Improved performance for SemaphoreSlim locking. by @MarkCiliaVincenti in #21065
- Add new reference to "How to use .NET Aspire with ABP framework" article by @berkansasmaz in #21092
- Change the is satisfied and to expression examples by @HamzaSallakh in #21091
- Update latest-versions.json by @voloagent in #21111
- Prepare blog post for v9.0 release by @EngincanV in #21160
- Add Localization. by @fahrigedik in #21177
- Fix small typos in the ".NET Aspire vs ABP Studio: Side by Side" article by @EngincanV in #21066
- Delete comments when deleting blog posts and pages by @realLiangshiwei in #21108
- ABP Community Article: Hybrid Cache in .NET 9 by @EngincanV in #21233
- Add Localization. issue-5213 by @fahrigedik in #21215
- ABP Community Article: EF Core 9 Read-only Primitive Collections by @berkansasmaz in #21254
- Update Localization by @salihozkara in #21252
- Created .NET Aspire 9.0 Features community article by @ismcagdas in #21264
- Docs Content Reviews - Issue 4531 2 by @fahrigedik in #21220
- Update studio docs for v0.9.5 by @berkansasmaz in #21276
- Fix typo in Spanish translation for "Loading..." by @LuisPignataro in #20297
- Create Keyed DI in middlewares community article by @salihozkara in #21274
- Add article on SignalR support for trimming and Native AOT by @ahmetfarukulu in #21280
- Update latest-versions.json by @voloagent in #21269
- AsyncKeyedLock optimizations by @MarkCiliaVincenti in #21305
- Add localization. by @fahrigedik in #21195
- Add localization - issue 5294 by @fahrigedik in #21243
- Community article
by @maliming in #21275 - Remove
from path if itsOptional
. by @maliming in #21307 - ABP Community Article:
EF Core 9 LINQ & SQL translation
by @realLiangshiwei in #21341 - C# 13 Features Article by @enisn in #21346
- Update latest-versions.json by @voloagent in #21370
- Update latest-versions.json by @voloagent in #21386
- Add localization - issue-5286 by @fahrigedik in #21387
- Add localization. by @fahrigedik in #21418
- Angular - Aligning Related Dependencies for NPM (abp) by @sumeyyeKurtulus in #21384
- add localization. - issue-5471 by @fahrigedik in #21431
- Check & move related blog posts on deletion by @realLiangshiwei in #21348
- Update PermissionDataSeeder.cs by @mazarkaman in #21445
- Skip insert
if thepermissions
are empty. by @maliming in #21453 - Update get-started doc - issue-5489 by @fahrigedik in #21451
- Create blog post for v9.0 stable release by @EngincanV in #21388
- Add
. by @tiantian0531 in #21213 - Add
Idle Session Timeout
document. by @maliming in #21464 - Add dapr event handlers as an endpoint to compatible with Dapr SDK. by @maliming in #21488
- Add new community article: "How to use OpenAI API with ABP framework" by @berkansasmaz in #21503
- Add cover image to OpenAI-Integration article by @berkansasmaz in #21523
- Update latest-versions.json by @voloagent in #21536
- Make edit and delete buttons work with dark theme by @realLiangshiwei in #21543
- Remove class if an entity action has no text by @realLiangshiwei in #21547
- Upgrade
packages to latest(1.8.17
). by @maliming in #21525 - Angular - Small Fix on Test Email Modal by @sumeyyeKurtulus in #21537
- Improve bookstore tutorial according to the feedback by @realLiangshiwei in #21545
- Added community article explaining new unit test structure. by @maliming in #21580
- Add options to include/exclude query schema and host by @realLiangshiwei in #21586
- Fix contents of the code are invisible and corrupt in docs module document by @realLiangshiwei in #21593
- Delete unnecessary
files. by @maliming in #21606 - Update latest-versions.json by @voloagent in #21601
- Update latest-versions.json by @gizemmutukurt in #21624
- added interface for rabbitmq eventbus by @tntwist in #21630
- Create a new blog post for announcing Abp Studio r2r publishing by @EngincanV in #21637
- Allow to customize the distributed lock key of BackgroundJobWorker by @realLiangshiwei in #21641
- Add Tencent cloud sms support by @jiaguangli in #21651
- Init Document Node Breadcrumb by @realLiangshiwei in #21599
- Enable object-mapping when source and destination is an enum by @MarkusHoz in #21660
- Angular - Update Templates to the Version 19.0.x by @sumeyyeKurtulus in #21668
- Ignore
if there is only one language. by @maliming in #21666 - Angular 19 version update by @masum-ulu in #21669
- Unify the bundling system of
blazor server/wasm and mvc
. by @maliming in #19968 - Rename
toIRepository<Product, Guid>
. by @maliming in #21687 - Upgrade to Openiddict 6.0.0 by @maliming in #20979
- Update the community article to mention ABP's ExposeKeyedServiceAttribute by @EngincanV in #21714
- Update discord link by @salihozkara in #21727
- Updated VirtualFileExplorer demo and Blazor columns to support HTML rendering by @dolunay in #21450
- Lazy expandable feature for documentation by @realLiangshiwei in #21689
- Add comments for extension methods of
. by @maliming in #21737 - Add an option to return value if decrypt failed by @realLiangshiwei in #21744
- Added
method. by @maliming in #21716 - Ordered by creation time by default. by @realLiangshiwei in #21736
- Update
ABP Global Assets - New way to bundle JavaScript/CSS files in Blazor WebAssembly app
. by @maliming in #21742 - Update global-scripts-styles.md by @maliming in #21752
- Update localization by @salihozkara in #21763
- Fix the issue of cancel edit button wrong URL by @salihozkara in #21753
- Add permissions for dynamic menu items by @realLiangshiwei in #21733
- Fix: Docs permission problem by @salihozkara in #21756
- Add new localizations to account resource by @berkansasmaz in #21774
- Prevent loading child items when lazy expand menu redirect by @realLiangshiwei in #21777
- Add new localizations by @salihozkara in #21773
- Favorites filtering blog posts by @suhaib-mousa in #21236
- Make methods of local distributed eventbus virtual by @tntwist in #21664
- Update Tab Vertical Item Column Sizes in Setting Management Page by @enisn in #21765
- Added
. by @maliming in #21812 - Using
instead ofnew X509Certificate2
. by @maliming in #21847 - Fix filter problem by @realLiangshiwei in #21861
- Update version to release 9.1.0-rc.1 by @skoc10 in #21893
- Update
to 9.0.3. by @maliming in #21927 - Check if property has
to determineIsRequired
. by @maliming in #21931 - Enhance comment time formatting with localized time ago display by @suhaib-mousa in #21329
- Angular - Fixing the nullability check for proxy generation by @sumeyyeKurtulus in #21951
- Bump up ng-zorro-antd by @masum-ulu in #21954
- Update docs after v9.1 release by @EngincanV in #21962
- Update migration guides for v9.1 by @EngincanV in #21967
- Angular - Update version to 19.1.x by @sumeyyeKurtulus in #21964
- Fix lazy-expand menu click problem by @realLiangshiwei in #21938
- Update TypeApiDescriptionModel to include instance and public properties. by @maliming in #22011
- Add
to account layout. by @maliming in #21942 - Update idle-session-timeout.md by @anderjef in #22058
- Update
by @maliming in #22099 - Update version to release 9.1.0-rc.2 by @skoc10 in #22114
- Angular - Access token management fixes by @sumeyyeKurtulus in #22066
- [rel-9.1] Changes to make LocalDistributedEventBus able to use outbox/inbox patterns. by @maliming in #22134
- Refactor permission management logic to fix 'Grant all permissions' problem by @realLiangshiwei in #22144
- Angular - Fixing tree node selection problem by @sumeyyeKurtulus in #22154
- Angular - Fixing filter bug on permission modal by @sumeyyeKurtulus in #22152
- Refactor connection string checkers to initialize connection settings within try blocks. by @maliming in #22185
- Update version to release 9.1.0-rc.3 by @skoc10 in #22221
- Update microservice-mongodb.md by @EngincanV in #22266
- Update version to release 9.1.0 by @skoc10 in #22274
New Contributors
- @HamzaSallakh made their first contribution in #21091
- @jiaguangli made their first contribution in #21651
- @MarkusHoz made their first contribution in #21660
- @dolunay made their first contribution in #21450
- @anderjef made their first contribution in #22058
Full Changelog: 9.0.6...9.1.0