- 🏫 Undergraduate student in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Major in INFOSEC.
- 😵 Noob CTFer struggling with PWN. Member of team L3H_SEC.
- 🥷 I use
- 🧑💻 A little bit interested in low-level development like driver or OS.
- 🎯 Looking forward to learn fuzzing, full-stack web development and kernel exploit.
- 🎸 Shoegaze, EMO, Hyperpop...?
NO ANIME - 💻 Recently used
,willing to learn more.
- 📓 Welcome to my blog.
- 🤡 No good at nothing. Make this page just for fun.
Well actually I'm not that good at these skills below but whatever man just to make this page prettier.
Normally U can reach me through: