Hackify is an open-source script for Debian-based operating systems, coded in bash. This script streamlines the installation of pentesting wordlists and tools with a single command, making it easier for cybersecurity enthusiasts and professionals to set up their pentesting environment quickly and efficiently.
git clone https://github.com/ZishanAdThandar/hackify.git
cd hackify
chmod +x hackify.sh
bash hackify.sh
# To install wordlists
chmod +x wordlist.sh
bash wordlist.sh
- Plank Dock
- Dark Background Solid color wallpaper
- Conky clock
- add generic monitor to the panel to get ips with code
sh -c 'ip a | grep -q "tun0" && ip -4 addr show tun0 | awk "/inet/ {print \$2}" | cut -d/ -f1 || curl -s ifconfig.me'