ZTP is a vulnerability scanner tool which is still in active development.
Abdullah Eryuzlu
- [Github] (https://github.com/aeryz)
- [Linkedin] (https://www.linkedin.com/in/abdullah-eryuzlu-675611182)
Kaan Caglan
- [Github] (https://github.com/caglankaan)
- [Linkedin] (https://www.linkedin.com/in/caglankaan)
You can compile code with following
c++ --std=c++17 modules/*.cpp src/*.cpp src/vendor/easylogging++/easylogging++.cpp -lstdc++fs -lssh -lhiredis -lredis++ -lpthread -Wall -I/usr/include/python3.8 -lpython3.8 $(pkg-config --cflags --libs libmongocxx) -w -o ztp
Now you can add your own modules with python nd you can integrate them with ZTP! You just have to add them to the under external_modules folder. With following command you can add any .py file.
sudo ./ztp '{"external-function-path":"/home/kaancaglan/development/ftp_login.py"}'
After you add your function ftp_login.py will be executed by ZTP Engine. You just have to pick unique name for your file and same name for your function. For example our ftp_login.py looks like:
import socket
import sys
from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson import ObjectId
sys.path.insert(0, "./")
def receive(sock):
def login(username, password, ip):
def ftp_login(username, password, ip_address, MongoDB_port, target_id):
#target id is ObjectId
target_id = ObjectId(target_id.decode("utf-8"))
#since parameters are byte we have to convert them to string
username = username.decode("utf-8")
password = password.decode("utf-8")
ip_address = ip_address.decode("utf-8")
MongoDB_port = int(MongoDB_port.decode("utf-8"))
if(login(username, password, ip_address)):
#We should add it to the database!
client = MongoClient('localhost', MongoDB_port)
db = client['ztp-dev']
post = {
"static_report": "",
"dynamic_report": "Anonymous login is enabled.",
"target": ObjectId(target_id)
print("anonymous login enabled!")
print("not enabled!")
Main function and our file has same name. You should add your report do database in python file. Full version of the given example file is located in modules/external_modules.
You just have to call binary with given json format as argument.
sudo ./ztp '{"ssh-username":"kaancaglan", "ssh-password":"my_password", "ssh-port":"22", "targets":["my_ip_address"], "nmap":"nmap -sS -T4", "brute-force-type":"light", "excluding_functions":[""]}'