EDIT: This is replaced with the new implementation in Rust. Sorry.
This service replies with useful and informative facts about printers.
I have an instance of this running on Heroku.
$ curl https://printerfacts.herokuapp.com/twirp/us.xeserv.api.Printerfacts/Fact \
-X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"count": 1}' | jq
"facts": [
"printers step with both left legs, then both right legs when they walk or run."
package main
import (
const defaultURL = "https://printerfacts.herokuapp.com"
func main() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
cli := printerfacts.NewPrinterfactsProtobufClient(defaultURL, http.DefaultClient)
fact, err := cli.Fact(ctx, &printerfacts.FactParams{})
if err != nil {
< assuming you are using a docker image derived from xena/alpine >
# apk -U add retool
$ cd /path/to/go/src/github.com/Xe/printerfacts
$ retool sync && retool build && retool do mage -v generate build
< in one terminal >
$ ./bin/printerfacts
< in another terminal >
$ ./bin/pfact -server
< in the other terminal >
time="2018-01-28T10:19:57-08:00" action="response sent" twirp_method=Fact
twirp_package=us.xeserv.api twirp_service=Printerfacts remote_ip=
x_forwarded_for= path=/twirp/us.xeserv.api.Printerfacts/Fact