Hi, I'm SteemThink. Nice to meet you. It is time to introduce myself to you.
- SteemThink is a knowledge sharing platform based on Steem block chain. Users communicate in the form of questions and answers. Everyone can upvote valuable answers, and can follow anyone with knowledge.
- SteemThink is an open source project. We believe that through github everyone can participate in by collaborating. You can be a programmer, designer, marketer, etc.
- SteemThink is a non-profit organization. All of the donations and potential income will be completely used for the project's operation expenses & development expenses.
- SteemThink's expectation is to have more people join this exciting, passionate ecosystem of Steem.
- March 2018: complete internal beta version development and invite specific users to join the test.
- April-June 2018: do repair as per bugs and suggestion that users feed back, and release the first public beta version.
- 3rd Quarter of 2018 (if sponsored by investors) : start to develop ios and android versions, invite users to join the test, perfect functions & fix bugs.
- 4th Quarter of 2018: release the official versions of ios and android in succession, and submit them to app stores for download.
- Commendable user experience.
- The site adapts to various browsing devices: PC, iphone, ipad, etc.
- Basic user functions: question, comment, vote, search, follow, etc.
- Seamless connection to steemconnect.
- Add classifications to the site, convenient for users to quickly filter.
- We are seeking more support to develop the whole project. If you are interested in our project, please contact us.
- When the first internal beta version is completed, we will synchronize the project to github and look forward to your participation.
- We are recruiting experienced developers. If you are interested in us, please feel free to contact us.
- We will share the project schedule every week. Thank you for your attention!