Special thanks to my friends and sponsors: @PeterFucci, Gerald Versluis (jfversluis), @renatolopes, Glen Herman, Olexii, Brady, Yury Michurin, VToegel, Aleksander Rokic, Jeffrey Williams, TimKyn, Standa Mikes, Aaron Schaefer, AIvanHeerden, 7 M O X D, gbrewer, Ryan, @janhjordie, erossiniuk, David, Sab, Andreas, plettb, Ocean Siu, Sreckcep, Standa Mikeš, becks120, cissemy, Ben, yurkinh, Jordan.
This project is tested with BrowserStack.
License: MIT.
The development guide can be found at SETUP.md.
MauiAuth/MauiAuthBlazor - A small mobile application, which requires user authentication, using .NET MAUI (AD and AD B2C)
MauiBlazorPhotoGallery - Infinite scrolling gallery app using .NET MAUI Blazor. Replicate Google Photos and Instagram Gallery UI.
MauiSqlite/MauiSqliteBlazor - Connect to SQLite from .NET MAUI application.
MauiMultiWindow - Work with .NET MAUI Windows.
KanbanBoard - Replicate Kanban board. Drag & Drop Cards, Set Column WIP, Store data in Local Db
TutorialHelp - Interactive app tutorial in .NET MAUI using CommunityToolkit.Maui Popup.
MauiPaint - Replicate Paint application (drawing canvas, color palette, open/save dialogs).
MauiLocalization - Demonstrates how to localize .NET MAUI application and switch the language without restarting the app.
CardLayout - Create a new Stacked CardView control.
MauiImageEffects - Create beautiful effects for images like Blur and Saturation.
MauiWorkflowBuilder - .NET MAUI Blazor Workflow builder.
.NET MAUI Bank - Replicate Monobank design.
iOS Extensions - Extend .NET MAUI application with iOS App Extensions.
MauiAnimation - Create custom animations using .NET MAUI CommunityToolkit.
iOS Widgets - Extend .NET MAUI application with iOS Widgets.
MauiMaps - Customize map pins in .NET MAUI. Location lifetime tracking.
MauiBluetooth - Bluetooth + BLE.
DynamicFab - Dynamic floating action button.
MauiSpeech - Speech-To-Text and Text-To-Speech.
MauiBadge - AppIcon Badge.
MauiBells - Calendar View (Handlers), Flip animation, Audio player, Accelerometer.
MauiMarkdown - Create a Markdown control using .NET MAUI Graphics.
IPTVPlayer - Play IPTV streams with CommunityToolkit.Maui.MediaElement.
MauiDynamicConfiguration - .NET MAUI integration with ConfigCat.
MauiCaptcha - Integrating captcha into a .NET MAUI application.
MauiCursor - Setting a cursor for .NET MAUI VisualElement.
MauiShellCustomization - Customizing .NET MAUI Shell.
MauiDraggableView - Drag and Drop View Container for .NET MAUI.
MauiTaskListApp - Cross-platform .NET MAUI app using MVVM development architecture performing CRUD operations with EF Core InMemory.
MauiTests - Testing .NET MAUI application using Appium and xUnit.
MauiStaggeredCollectionView - Create a Staggered Layout for CollectionView in .NET MAUI.
MauiNotifications - .NET MAUI Push Notifications using Azure Notification Hub.
MauiBarcode - .NET MAUI Barcode Scanner.
MauiExcel - Export data to Excel.
MauiConditionView - .NET MAUI ConditionView control.