FlatlandRT is a 2D ray tracer visualization tool. The following pictures were created using FlatlandRT:
From left to right: Refraction, ambient occlusion and reflection:
Quadtree intersection of 2D triangle meshes:
More examples scenes can be found here. See the user manual if you want to find out how to use it.
This project uses Bazel as a build system. The current used version is defined in .bazelversion.
The following tools should be installed:
- Git
- Bazel
- A C++ compiler (GCC, Visual Studio, Clang, etc.)
Checkout, build, and run:
You can use Flatland by invoking the following commands:
All platforms:
git clone https://github.com/Vertexwahn/FlatlandRT # clone the repository
cd FlatlandRT # change directory to cloned repository
cd devertexwahn # switch to the location where the MODULE.bazel file is located
Render a scene with Windows 10/11 x64 with Visual Studio 2019:
bazel --output_base=C:/bazel_output_base run --config=vs2019 //flatland/cli:flatland.cli --scene_filename=C:\scenes\bunny.flatland.xml
Render a scene with Windows 10/11 x64 with Visual Studio 2022:
bazel --output_base=C:/bazel_output_base run --config=vs2022 //flatland/cli:flatland.cli --scene_filename=C:\scenes\bunny.flatland.xml
For more hints on how to use Bazel on Windows have a look at the Bazel on Windows document.
Render a scene with Ubuntu 20.04:
bazel run --config=gcc9 //flatland/cli:flatland.cli -- --scene_filename=$(pwd)/flatland/scenes/bunny/bunny.flatland.xml
Render a scene with Ubuntu 22.04:
bazel run --config=gcc11 //flatland/cli:flatland.cli -- --scene_filename=$(pwd)/flatland/scenes/bunny/bunny.flatland.xml
Render a scene with macOS 11/12/13:
bazel run --config=macos //flatland/cli:flatland.cli -- --scene_filename=$(pwd)/flatland/scenes/bunny/bunny.flatland.xml
# Run all tests using GCC 9.3
bazel test --config=gcc9 //...
# Build all targets uing GCC 9.3
bazel build --config=gcc9 //...
# Run all tests using GCC 11
bazel test --config=gcc11 //...
# Build all targets uing GCC 11
bazel build --config=gcc11 //...
# Run all tests using Clang 14
bazel test --config=clang14 //...
# Build all targets uing Clang 14
bazel build --config=clang14 //...
There is a Bazel plug-in for CLion. It can be downloaded from here.
You can use the following .bazelproject
derive_targets_from_directories: true
Make sure that lcov is installed.
sudo apt install lcov
Go to the directory that contains the MODULE.bazel
file and execute:
./coverage.sh --additional_bazel_config=buchgr_remote_cache
open coverage_report/index.html
There is a build config called asan
that can be used for detecting memory errors.
bazel run --config=asan --compilation_mode=opt //flatland/cli:flatland.cli -- $(pwd)/flatland/scenes/sphere.flatland.xml
bazel build --config=clang-tidy //core:object
bazel build //core:object \
--aspects @bazel_clang_tidy//clang_tidy:clang_tidy.bzl%clang_tidy_aspect \
# Build with Visual Studio C++ Compiler
bazel build --config=vs2022 //...
Use Lavender to generate a solution and project files for Visual Studio.
python3 G:\dev\lavender\generate.py --config=vs2022 //...
Lavender is far from being perfect. It might be necessary to do some modifications to the generated solution and project files.
I made a short video where I describe how I use test driven development to implement this project:
I have written some blog post about ray tracing that can be found here: Ray Tracing 101
The source code of FlatlandRT itself is under the Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE). The license of its third-party dependencies or some third-party code fragments can and is under different license terms. See copyright notes in the next section.
FlatlandRT makes use of several software libraries.
Some tools and libraries were copied to this repository (see third_party
The corresponding licenses can be found in the third_party
folder of this repository.
Besides this,
some source code was directly copied from other open-source software libraries or programs.
This is always clearly stated as a comment in the source code of FlatlandRT.
If you find any copyright or license violations or issues please let me know.
- Mitsuba Renderer 2 (https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/mitsuba2) (scene file format) (License)
- pbrt, Version 3 (https://github.com/mmp/pbrt-v3) (Refract, face_forward functions) (License)
- pbrt, Version 4 (https://github.com/mmp/pbrt-v4) (concentric sampling of unit disk) (License)
- bazel_clang_tidy (https://github.com/erenon/bazel_clang_tidy) (almost everything) (License)
- LLVM toolchain for Bazel (https://github.com/grailbio/bazel-toolchain) (building Flatland with LLVM) (License)
- Boost (https://www.boost.org/) (third party dependency) (License)
- Catch2 (https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2) (see
folder) - Eigen (see
folder) - Google Test (https://github.com/google/googletest) (see
folder) - Imath (see
folder) - LLVM toolchain for Bazel (see
folder) - OpenEXR (https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openexr) (License)
- libpng (http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html) (License)
- pcg-cpp (https://github.com/imneme/pcg-cpp/)
- pugixml (https://pugixml.org/, https://github.com/zeux/pugixml)
- rules_boost (https://github.com/nelhage/rules_boost) (License)
- rules_pkg-0.9.1
- abseil (https://abseil.io/) (see
folder) - gflags (https://github.com/gflags/gflags/) (see
folder) - glog (https://github.com/google/glog) (see
folder) - hypothesis (https://github.com/wjakob/hypothesis) (see
folder) - yaml-cpp (https://github.com/jbeder/yaml-cpp) (third party dependency) (License)
- zlib (https://zlib.net/) (License)
- {fmt} (https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt) (see
The Stanford Bunny was derived from the Stanford Bunny provided from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository (see here).
The data for the Donut, Armadillo, and Stanford Bunny for the 2D triangle data was derived from https://github.com/mmacklin/sandbox.
A big thank goes to all the providers, developers, and maintainers of the aforementioned open-source projects and artifacts.