This is a goobye site as a present for James! We would like you to show your appreciation for James lightly.
you might get a vague idea from
We leave all the design of your page to you. Express your "Thank you" somehow.
Please make sure each person has only one fullscreen page.
You can get a template from
- HTMLfile(include your message)
- CSSfile
- Javascript file
- Images
- Fonts
- Design file(PDF or jpeg)
- Resources(if you use local fonts or images)
You can submit your compressed file to [email protected].
Or it would be great if you put your HTML and CSS to proper section through pull-requests(Flow instructions below).
December 16th**
If you put your code through pull-requests, follow the instruction below...
- Open a proper html file(teahers.html, web12.html or web13.html)
- Find the div tag an ID attribute of your name with class "sectionsection-container"
- Put your html code inside of the div tag include the ID attribute says your name
- Put your SCSS code in a proper SCSS file(teahers.html, web12.html or web13.html)
- Your code should be nested in your name ID so that we could avoid conflicts between your class name and the other ones
Thank you:)