Simple rsyslog configuration for docker as a solution for this DevOps assignment.
build and run by a docker-compose:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
setup example for already configured swarm mode on a couple of docker machines:
- build the images from dockerfiles and push them to a registry that is accessible from docker swarm nodes
- export REGISTRY environment variable with access location of the registry
- execute these commands on the swarm manager node:
docker network create --driver overlay logging
docker service create --network logging --name rsyslog-server $REGISTRY/rsyslog-server
docker service create --network logging -p 514:514 --name rsyslog-agent --mode global $REGISTRY/rsyslog-agent
docker service create -p 80:80 --name nginx --log-driver=syslog --log-opt syslog-address=tcp://localhost:514 $REGISTRY/nginx-syslog
These will setup centralized rsyslog-server, rsyslog-agents on every swarm node and one nginx service, one can create more nginx containers. Please bear in mind that rsyslog-agent must be set up before nginx.
There is a possibility to change the location of rsyslog-server and forwarding template entry by passing the RSYSLOG_SERVER
environment variables like:
-e FORWARD_TEMPLATE=*.sometemplate* -e
in the service/container create command.
That kind of rsyslog config would be easier/better to setup on Kubernetes because of simpler network model, concept of pods, services, daemon sets and persistent volume claims.
I have a little bit experience with fluentd(when I was using prometheus in one project) and a bit more with logstash. Moreover that rsyslog config could be linked to such more modern logging systems like fluentd or logstash.